
Employees’ Social Security Act 1969 | Part 2

EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/83.Constitution of Social Security Appellate Board




83. Constitution of Social Security Appellate Board

(1) The Minister shall, by notification in the Gazette constitute a Social Security Appellate Board (referred to as "the Board" in this Part) for such State or area as may be specified in the notification.

(2) The Board shall consist of a Chairman and two assessors.

(3) A person shall be qualified for appointment as Chairman of the Board if--


  • (a) 

    he is a citizen; and 

  • (b) 

    for ten years preceding his appointment he has been a member of the Judicial and Legal Service of the Federation or an advocate and solicitor of the High Courts in Malaysia. 

(4) The Chairman shall be appointed by the Minister on such terms and conditions as may be specified by him.

(5) The two assessors shall represent employers and employees and shall be selected by the Chairman from the panel of persons appointed under subsection (6).

(6) The Minister shall, after consultation with such organizations representing employers and employees respectively as he thinks fit, appoint a panel of such number of persons as he deems appropriate to serve as assessors.

(7) (Deleted by Act A1232).

(8) (Deleted by Act A1232).

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/84.Matters to be decided by the Board


84. Matters to be decided by the Board

(1) If any question or dispute arises as to--


  • (a) 

    whether any person is an employee within the meaning of this Act or whether he is liable to pay the employee's contribution; 

  • (b) 

    the rate of wages or average daily wages of an employee for the purposes of this Act; 

  • (c) 

    the rate of contribution payable by a principal employer in respect of any employee; 

  • (d) 

    a person who is or was the principal employer in respect of any employee; 

  • (e) 

    the right of any person to any benefit and as to amount and duration of it; 

  • (f) 

    any direction issued by the Organization under sections 35 and 36 on a review of any payment of invalidity pension or dependants' benefits or survivors' pension respectively; or 

  • (g) 

    (Deleted by Act A590); 

  • (h) 

    any other matter which is in dispute between a principal employer and the Organization, or between a principal employer and an immediate employer, or between a person and the Organization or between an employee and a principal or immediate employer, in respect of any contribution or benefit or other dues payable or recoverable under this Act, or any other matter required to be or which may be decided by the Board under this Act, 

such question or dispute subject to subsection (3) shall be decided by the Board in accordance with this Act.

(2) Subject to subsection (3), the following claims shall be decided by the Board, namely:


  • (a) 

    claim for the recovery of contributions from the principal employer; 

  • (b) 

    claim by a principal employer to recover contributions from any immediate employer; 

  • (c) 

    (Deleted by Act A590); 

  • (d) 

    claim against a principal employer under section 48; 

  • (e) 

    claim under section 50 for the recovery of the value of amount or the benefits received by a person when he is not lawfully entitled thereto; and 

  • (f) 

    any claim for the recovery of any benefit admissible under this Act. 

(3) If in any proceedings before the Board an invalidity or disablement question arises and the decision of a medical board or appellate medical board has not been obtained on the same and the decision of such question is necessary for the determination of the claim or question before the Board, the Board shall direct the Organization to have the question decided by this Act and shall thereafter proceed with the determination of the claim or question before it in accordance with the decision of the medical board or the appellate medical board.

(4) No Civil Court shall have jurisdiction to decide or deal with any question or dispute mentioned in subsections (1) and (2) or to adjudicate on any liability which, by or under this Act, is to be decided by the Board.

(5) No Civil Court shall have jurisdiction to decide or deal with any question or dispute which, by or under this Act, is to be decided by a medical board or by an appellate medical board.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/85.Institution of proceedings, etc.


85. Institution of proceedings, etc.

(1) Subject to this Act and any regulations made thereunder, all proceedings before the Board shall be instituted in the Board appointed for the area in which the insured person was working at the time the question or dispute arose.

(2) The Minister may transfer any matter pending before any Board in a State or area to any such Board in another State or area.

(3) The Board to which any matter is transferred under subsection (2) shall continue the proceedings as if they had been originally instituted in it.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/86.Commencement of proceedings


86. Commencement of proceedings

(1) The proceedings before a Board shall be commenced by application.

(2) Every such application shall be made within a period of three years from the date on which the cause of action arose.

(3) For the purpose of subsection (2)--


  • (a) 

    the cause of action in respect of a claim for benefit shall not be deemed to arise unless the insured person or in the case of dependants' benefit or survivors' pension, the dependants of the insured person or, in the case of funeral benefit, the claimant, claims or claim that benefit in accordance with the regulations made in that behalf within a period of twelve months after the claim became due or within such further period as the Board may allow on grounds which appear to it to be reasonable; 

  • (b) 

    the cause of action in respect of a claim by the Organization for recovering contributions from the principal employer or a claim by the principal employer for recovering contributions from an immediate employer shall not be deemed to arise till the date by which the evidence of contributions having been paid is due to be received by the Organization under the regulations; 

  • (c) 

    every such application shall be in such form and shall contain such particulars and shall be accompanied by such fee, if any, as may be prescribed by the regulations. 


Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/87.Powers of Social Security Appellate Board


87. Powers of Social Security Appellate Board

(1) The Board shall have all the powers of a Sessions Court Judge for the purposes of summoning and enforcing the attendance of witnesses, compelling the discovery and production of documents and material objects, administering oath and recording evidence.

(2) The Board shall follow such procedure as may be prescribed by regulations.

(3) All costs incidental to any proceedings before a Board, shall, subject to such regulations as may be made in this behalf, be in the discretion of the Board.

(4) An order of the Board shall be enforceable as if it were a judgment of a Sessions Court notwithstanding that the same may be in respect of an amount in excess of the ordinary jurisdiction of the said Court.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/88.Appearance by legal practitioners, etc.


88. Appearance by legal practitioners, etc.

Any application, appearance or act required to be made or done by any person to or before a Board (other than appearance of a person required for the purposes of his examination as a witness) may be made or done by a legal practitioner or by an officer of a registered trade union authorized in writing by such person or with the permission of the Board, by any other person so authorized.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/89.Benefit not admissible unless claimed in time


89. Benefit not admissible unless claimed in time

A Board shall not direct the payment of any benefit to a person unless he has made a claim for such benefit in accordance with the regulations made in that behalf and section 86:

Provided that if the Board is satisfied that there was reasonable excuse for not making a claim for the benefit within the prescribed period, it may direct the payment of the benefit as if the claim had been made in time.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/90.Reference to High Court


90. Reference to High Court

A Board may submit any question of law for the decision of the High Court and if it does so shall decide the question pending before it in accordance with such decision.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/91.Appeal


91. Appeal

(1) Save as expressly provided in this section, no appeal shall lie from an order of the appellate boards set up by or under this Act.

(2) An appeal shall lie to the High Court from an order of an appellate board set up by or under this Act if it involves a substantial question of law.

(3) The period of limitation for an appeal under this section shall be sixty days from the date the order is made.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/92.Stay of payment pending appeal


92. Stay of payment pending appeal

Where the Organization has presented an appeal against an order of the Board, that Board may, and if so directed by the High Court shall, pending the decision of the appeal, withhold the payment of any sum directed to be paid by the order appealed against.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/93.Punishment for false information




93. Punishment for false information

Where any person, for the purpose of causing any increase in payment or benefit under this Act, or for the purpose of causing any payment or benefit to be made where no payment or benefit is authorized by or under this Act, or for the purpose of avoiding any payment to be made by himself under this Act, or enabling any other person to avoid any such payment--


  • (a) 

    makes or causes to be made any false statement or false representation; or 

  • (b) 

    makes in writing or signs any declaration, form, report, certificate or other document required by this Act or any regulations made thereunder which is untrue or incorrect in any material particular, 

shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years, or with a fine not exceeding ten thousand ringgit, or with both.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/94.Punishment for failure to pay contributions, etc.


94. Punishment for failure to pay contributions, etc.

If any person--


  • (a) 

    fails to pay any contribution or any part thereof which is payable by him under this Act or fails to pay within the time prescribed by regulations any interest payable under section 14A

  • (b) 

    deducts or attempts to deduct from the wages of an employee the whole or any part of the employer's contribution; 

  • (c) 

    in contravention of section 52 reduces the wages or any privileges or benefits admissible to an employee; 

  • (d) 

    in contravention of section 53 or any regulation dismisses, discharges, reduces or otherwise punishes an employee; 

  • (e) 

    fails or refuses to submit any return or accident report required by the regulations, or makes a false return or report; 

  • (f) 

    obstructs any Inspector or other official of the Organization in the discharge of his duties; or 

  • (g) 

    is guilty of any contravention of or non-compliance with any of the requirements of this Act or the rules or the regulations in respect of which no special penalty is provided, 

he shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine not exceeding ten thousand ringgit, or with both.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/94A.Court's order in respect of contributions due and payable to the Organization


94A. Court's order in respect of contributions due and payable to the Organization

(1) Upon any person being found guilty of any offence under paragraph 94(a), the Court before which the person is found guilty shall order such person to pay to the Organization the amount of any contributions, together with any interest credited on it, due and payable to the Organization and certified by the authorized officer of the Organization to be due from such person prior to the date of such finding of guilt, and the certificate of the authorized officer shall be prima facie evidence of the amount due and payable.

(2) Such contributions shall be recoverable in the same manner as, and shall be appealable as if it were, an order for payment of compensation under section 426 of the Criminal Procedure Code [Act 593], except that where the Court directs payment of the sum to be made by instalments, the Court shall direct that the sum be paid in not more than six instalments.

(3) Upon any person being found guilty of any offence under paragraph 94(e)pertaining to the submission of an accident report, the Court before which the person is found guilty shall order such person to submit the required accident report within the time to be determined by the Court.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/94B.Trial for more than one offence


94B. Trial for more than one offence

Notwithstanding the provisions of any written law to the contrary, any person may be charged with and tried at any one trial for any number of offences under paragraph 94(a) not exceeding thirty-six and such offences shall, for the purposes of the law for the time being in force relating to criminal procedure, be deemed to form part of the same transaction.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/94C.Copy of entry to be prima facie evidence


94C. Copy of entry to be prima facie evidence

In any legal proceeding, a copy of an entry in the accounts of the Organization duly certified under the hand of an authorized officer of the Organization shall be prima facie evidence of such entry having been made and of the truth of the contents thereof.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/95.Prosecution


95. Prosecution

(1) No prosecution shall be instituted for an offence under this Act or any regulations made under this Act except by or with the consent in writing of the Public Prosecutor.

(2) (Deleted by Act A1232).

(3) (Deleted by Act A675).

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/95A.Compounding of offences


95A. Compounding of offences

(1) The Director General or any officer authorized in writing by the Dirtector General may compound any offence committed by any person under this Act or the regulations made under this Act and prescribed by the Minister to be a compoundable offence by regulations made under this Act by making a written offer to the person suspected to have committed the offence to compound the offence upon payment to the Director General of an amount of money not exceeding fifty percent of the amount of maximum fine for that offence within the time specified in the offer.

(2) An offer under subsection (1) may be made at any time after the offence has been committed, but before any prosecution for it has been instituted, and if the amount specified in the offer is not paid within the time specified in the offer or within such extended period as the Director General may grant, prosecution for the offence may be instituted at any time after that against the person to whom the offer was made.

(3) If an offence has been compounded under subsection (1), no prosecution shall be instituted in respect of the offence against the person to whom the offer to compound was made and any thing seized in connection with the offence may be released or forfeited by the Director General, subject to such terms and conditions as he thinks fit.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/96.Insured person not entitled to more than one benefit




96. Insured person not entitled to more than one benefit

(1) An insured person shall not be allowed to receive, for the same period and in respect of the same disablement, invalidity pension and permanent disablement benefit.

(2) Where a person is entitled to both benefits, he may choose which benefit he shall receive for that period.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/96A.Dependant not entitled to both survivor's pension and dependants' benefit for the same period


96A. Dependant not entitled to both survivor's pension and dependants' benefit for the same period

(1) A dependant shall not be allowed to receive, for the same period in respect of the same insured person, survivors' pension and dependants' benefit.

(2) Where a dependant is entitled to both survivors' pension and dependants' benefit, he may choose to receive the benefit which is payable at the higher rate.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/97.Exemption of industry or class of industries


97. Exemption of industry or class of industries

The Minister may, by notification in the Gazette and subject to such conditions as may be specified in the notification, exempt any industry or class of industries in any specified area from the operation of this Act for a period not exceeding one year and may from time to time by like notification renew any such exemption, for periods not exceeding one year at a time.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/98.Exemption of persons or class of persons


98. Exemption of persons or class of persons

The Minister may, by notification in the Gazette and subject to such conditions as he may deem fit to impose, exempt any person or class of persons employed in any industry or class of industries to which this Act applies from the operation of the Act.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/99.Organization to make representation


99. Organization to make representation

No exemption shall be granted or renewed under sections 97 and 98, unless a reasonable opportunity has been given to the Organization to make any representation it may wish to make in regard to the proposal and such representation has been considered by the Minister.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/100.Exemption of industries belonging to Government or local authority


100. Exemption of industries belonging to Government or local authority

The Minister may, by notification in the Gazette and subject to such conditions as may be specified in the notification, exempt any industry or class of industries belonging to the Federal Government or any State Government or any local authority or statutory authority, from the operation of this Act, if the employees in any such industry or class of industries are otherwise in receipt of benefits substantially similar or superior to the benefits provided under this Act.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/101.Exemption from one or more provisions of the Act


101. Exemption from one or more provisions of the Act

The Minister may, by notification in the Gazette, exempt any employee or class of employees in any industry or class of industries from one or more of the provisions relating to the benefits provided under this Act.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/102.Contributions, etc., due to Organization to have priority over other debts


102. Contributions, etc., due to Organization to have priority over other debts

There shall be deemed to be included among the debts which, under any written law relating to insolvency in force in the country, are in the distribution of the property of the insolvent or in the distribution of the assets of a company being wound up, to be paid in priority to all other debts, the amount due in respect of any contribution or any other amount payable under this Act the liability wherefor accrued before the date of the order of adjudication of the insolvent or the date of the winding up.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/103.Exercise of powers and functions of the Organization


103. Exercise of powers and functions of the Organization

All powers and functions which may be exercised by the Organization under this Act shall be exercised by the Director General or by any officer of the Organization authorized by him or by an authority authorized by the Minister.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/103A.Disposal of documents after more than three years


103A. Disposal of documents after more than three years

(1) The Director General may authorize any paper-based document belonging to the Organization to be copied onto an electronic medium by such means as to ensure that the exact image of that document is capable of being viewed, reproduced and copied.

(2) Where a paper-based document has been copied in accordance with subsection (1), the Director General may authorize the disposal of the paper-based document after the expiry of a period of three years from the making of such electronic copy.

(3) A copy of the document kept on an electronic medium in accordance with subsection (1) shall be admissible as evidence of any fact stated in it in accordance with section 90a of the Evidence Act 1950 [Act 56].

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/104.Omitted or Deleted Section


104. Omitted or Deleted Section

(Deleted by Act 478).

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/105.Power of the Minister to make regulations


105. Power of the Minister to make regulations

(1) The Minister may make regulations, not inconsistent with this Act, for the administration of the affairs of the Organization and for carrying into effect this Act.

(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such regulations may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely--


  • (i) 

    (Deleted by Act A675); 

  • (ii) 

    (Deleted by Act A675); 

  • (iii) 

    the manner in which any contribution payable under this Act shall be assessed and collected; 

  • (iv) 

    the levy of interest at a rate not less than six per cent per annum on contributions due but not paid subject to the minimum of five ringgit in respect of each month or part of a month in default beyond the due date and the conditions under which such levy may be waived; 

  • (v) 

    the interest payable in respect of the amount payable towards invalidity grants; 

  • (vi) 

    reckoning of wages for the purpose of fixing the contribution payable under this Act; 

  • (vii) 

    the certification of disability and eligibility for any cash benefit; 

  • (viii) 

    the method of determining the actuarial present value of periodical payments; 

  • (ix) 

    the assessing of the money value of any benefit which is not a cash benefit; 

  • (x) 

    the time within which and the form in which any claim for a benefit may be made and the particulars to be specified in such claims; 

  • (xi) 

    the circumstances in which an employee in receipt of disablement benefit may be dismissed, discharged, reduced or otherwise punished; 

  • (xii) 

    the manner in which and the place and time at which any benefit shall be paid; 

  • (xiii) 

    the method of calculating the amount of cash benefit payable and the circumstances in which and the extent to which commutation of disablement and dependants' benefits, may be allowed and the method of calculating the commutation value; 

  • (xiv) 

    the conditions under which any benefit may be suspended; 

  • (xv) 

    the conditions to be observed by a person when in receipt of any benefit and the periodical medical examination of such persons; 

  • (xvi) 

    the visiting of disabled persons; 

  • (xvii) 

    the appointment of medical practitioners for the purpose of this Act, the duties of such practitioners and the form of medical certificates; 

  • (xviii) 

    the penalties for breach of regulations by fine (not exceeding two days' wages for a first breach and not exceeding three days' wages for any subsequent breach) which may be imposed on employees; 

  • (xix) 

    the circumstances in which and the conditions subject to which any regulations may be relaxed, the extent of such relaxation and the authority by whom such relaxation may be granted; 

  • (xx) 

    the returns and reports to be submitted and the registers or records to be maintained by the principal and immediate employers, the forms of such returns, reports, registers or records and the times at which such returns and reports be submitted and the particulars which such returns, registers and records shall contain; 

  • (xxa) 

    offence which may be compounded and the procedure for compounding offences; 

  • (xxi) 

    the duties and powers of Inspectors and other officers and servants of the Organization; 

  • (xxia) 

    the constitution of medical boards, including the Special Medical Board; 

  • (xxii) 

    the constitution of the Social Security Appellate Boards and Appellate Medical Boards, the qualifications of persons who may be appointed chairman and members thereof, and the conditions of service of such chairman and members; 

  • (xxiii) 

    the procedure to be followed in proceedings before the Social Security Appellate Boards and Appellate Medical Boards and the execution of decisions by such Appellate Boards; 

  • (xxiv) 

    the fee payable in respect of applications made to the Social Security Appellate Boards, the cost incidental to the proceedings in such boards, form in which applications should be made to them and the particulars to be specified in such applications; 

  • (xxv) 

    the establishment of hospitals, dispensaries and other institutions, the allotment of insured persons to any such hospital, dispensary or other institution in consultation with the Ministry of Health; 

  • (xxvi) 

    the scale of medical benefit which shall be provided at any hospital, clinic, dispensary or institution, the keeping of medical records and the furnishing of statistical returns; 

  • (xxvii) 

    the nature and extent of the staff, equipment and medicines that shall be provided at such hospitals, dispensaries and institutions; 

  • (xxviii) 

    the procedure to be followed in remitting contributions to the Organization; 

  • (xxix) 

    the registration of industries; 

  • (xxx) 

    matters which must be covered by the periodical valuation of the assets and liabilities of the Organization; 

  • (xxxi) 

    the investment of the Social Security Fund and its transfer or realisation, the bank or banks in which the funds of the Organization may be deposited, the raising and repayment of loans and financial control and procedures in consultation with the Minister of Finance; 

  • (xxxia) 

    the imposition of a fee or a charge for providing any information or document which is in the custody of the Organization; and 

  • (xxxii) 

    any matter in respect of which regulations are required or permitted to be made by this Act. 


Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/106.Duty of Board to review benefits


106. Duty of Board to review benefits

Without prejudice to section 59I, when substantial changes in the general level of earnings result from substantial changes in the cost of living, the Board shall examine the situation on the basis of an actuarial valuation made under section 82 and shall make recommendations to the Minister to adjust the Scheme of Social Insurance in order to maintain the real value of certain cash benefits. The recommendations of the Board, which shall be accompanied by the actuarial report and shall take account of Government social policy, may include--


  • (a) 

    proposals for a new scale of wage classes and of contributions; 

  • (b) 

    proposals for changes in the rates of specified cash benefits including the rates of pensions already in payment; and 

  • (c) 

    extension of benefits. 


Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/106A.Rates of benefit


106A. Rates of benefit

The rates of benefits as stipulated in sections 20, 20A, 30 and in the Fourth Schedule shall apply to all benefit cases in payment as at the date of coming into force of these rates:

Provided that any benefits and additions to benefits already provided by law shall be deducted from the new recomputed rates as provided by those sections:

And provided further that this section shall not affect any case where the benefit already paid is more than the new recomputed rates:

And provided further that in the case where the insured person who is in receipt of invalidity pension dies before 1 February 1986, the amount of the monthly rate of invalidity pension for the purposes of survivors' pension under section 20A shall be the amount the deceased insured person is entitled to had he been alive in the month of January 1986.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/107.Addition of benefits


107. Addition of benefits

Any other benefits may be added to the benefits provided by this Act, subject to such scale and terms and conditions as may be provided by law; and such law shall form part of this Act.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/108.Power to remove difficulties


108. Power to remove difficulties

(1) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to this Act, the Minister of Human Resources or the Minister of Finance, may, by order published in the Gazette, make such provisions or give such directions, not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, as appear to him to be necessary or expedient for removing the difficulty.

(2) Any order made under this section shall have effect notwithstanding anything inconsistent therewith in any regulations made under this Act.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/108A.Joint and several liability of directors


108A. Joint and several liability of directors

Where any sum of money by way of contributions together with any interest due thereon remain unpaid by a company, a firm or an association of persons, then, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Act or any other written law, the directors of such company including any person who was a director of such company during the period in which the contributions were payable, or a member of such firm including any person who was a member of the firm during the period in which the contributions were payable or the office-bearers of such association of persons, including any person who was an office-bearer of such association during the period in which the contributions were payable, shall together with the company, firm or association of persons be jointly and severally liable for the contributions together with interest due and payable thereon to the Organization.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/109.Recovery of contribution, etc.


109. Recovery of contribution, etc.

Without prejudice to any other method of recovery of contribution or other sum payable or recoverable under the provisions of this Act, any debt due to the Organization may be recoverable as if it is an arrear of land rent or an arrear of a sum payable to a local authority:

Provided that this section shall not become operative in a State until adopted by the Legislature of that State.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/110.Powers of Director General


110. Powers of Director General

(1) For the purposes of this Act, the Director General and such other officers of the Organization as may be authorized by him in this behalf shall have all the powers of a Sessions Court Judge for the summoning and examination of employers, insured persons, witnesses and other persons and the administration of oaths or affirmations and for compelling the production of documents and material objects.

(2) Any person who in any way wilfully obstructs the service of or obedience to any summons and any person summoned who neglects to attend and to produce documents as required in such summons shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years, or with a fine not exceeding ten thousand ringgit, or to both.

(3) The Director General or such other officer authorized by him shall be deemed to be a public servant within the meaning of the Penal Code.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/111.Organization to deal with authorized person


111. Organization to deal with authorized person

(1) In all matters pertaining to benefits under this Act, the Organization may deal directly with the insured person or his dependants, or an official of a registered trade union authorized in writing by such insured person or his dependants, or a legal practitioner representing such insured person or his dependants.

(2) The Organization may refuse to entertain any representation made by any other person.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/112.Benefit for two or more successive accidents


112. Benefit for two or more successive accidents

(1) Where a person sustains permanent disablement as a result of two or more successive accidents, he shall not for the same period be entitled to receive disablement benefit for permanent disablement in excess of the daily rate for permanent total disablement.

(2) The Minister may make regulations to provide for adjusting the disablement benefit payable in respect of successive accidents or the conditions for the receipt of such benefit in any case where the disablement benefit has been commuted into a lump sum.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/112A.Electronic submission of documents


112A. Electronic submission of documents

(1) Subject to subsection (2), the Organization may allow any returns, statements, particulars, records, notice, reports, register or other documents required to be submitted or furnished under this Act or regulations made under this Act by an electronic medium or by way of an electronic transmission.

(2) The conditions and specifications under which the returns, statements, particulars, records, notice, reports, register or other documents referred to in subsection (1) are to be submitted or furnished shall be as determined by the Organization.

(3) The returns, statements, particulars, records, notice, reports, register or other documents referred to in subsection (1) shall be deemed to have been submitted or furnished by a person to the Organization on the date the acknowledgment of receipt of such documents is transmitted electronically by the Organization to the person.

(4) The acknowledgment of receipt by the Organization, returns, statements, particulars, records, notice, reports, register or other documents submitted or furnished pursuant to subsection (3) shall be admissible as evidence in any proceedings.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/First Schedule


 First Schedule

[ Section 3]

(1) Any person whose wages exceed three thousand ringgit a month:

Provided that where after an employee has become liable to pay contributions as provided in section 6 of this Act, the wages of such employee at any time exceed three thousand ringgit a month such employee shall not by reason only of this paragraph be deemed to have become excluded from the provisions of this Act, but his wages shall for all the purposes of this Act be deemed to be three thousand ringgit a month:

And provided further that in any other case where a person, whose wages exceed three thousand ringgit a month, and his employer elect to pay any contribution in accordance with this Act then such person shall be deemed to be an employee under this Act.

(2) Any person whose employment is of casual nature and who is employed otherwise than for the purposes of the employer's industry.

(3) A domestic servant,that is, a person employed exclusively in the work or in connection with work of a private dwelling house and not of any trade, business or profession carried on by the employer in such dwelling house and includes a cook, house servant (including bedroom and kitchen servants), waiter, butler, child's or baby's nurse, valet, footman, gardener, washerman or washerwoman, watchman, groom and driver or cleaner of any vehicle licensed for private use.

(4) A tributer, that is, a person who is permitted to win minerals or produce of any kind from or on the land of another and who, in consideration of such permission, gives a proportion of the minerals or produce so won to that other person or pays to him the value of such proportion.

(5) The spouse of the principal employer or the immediate employer.

(6) Any member of the Malaysian Armed Forces or of any Local Forces established under any written law or of any Visiting Force lawfully present in Malaysia under any written law relating to Visiting Forces.

(7) Any police officer, and any other person engaged to perform police duties in accordance with the provisions of any written law while so performing such duties.

(8) Any person detained in any prison, Henry Gurney School, approved school, detention camp, mental hospital, or leper settlement.

(9)-(11) (Deleted by Act A814).

(12) In so far as this Act relating to invalidity pension are concerned--


  • (i) 

    an employee who has attained the age of fifty-five years and in respect of whom no contributions were payable before he attained the age of fifty-five years; or 

  • (ii) 

    an employee who has attained the age of sixty years; or 

  • (iii) 

    a certified invalid who is in receipt of invalidity pension. 

(13) (Deleted - Act A1445).

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/Second Schedule


 Second Schedule



List of injuries deemed to result in permanent total disablement

Serial No.

Description of Injury

Percentage of loss of earning capacity


Loss of both hands or amputation at higher sites



Loss of a hand and a foot



Double amputation through leg or thigh, or amputation through leg or thigh on one side and loss of other foot



Loss of sight to such an extent as to render the claimant unable to perform any work for which eye-sight is essential



Very severe facial disfigurement



Absolute deafness


Part II

List of injuries deemed to result in permanent partial disablement

Serial No.

Description of Injury

Percentage of loss of earning capacity

Amputation--upper limbs (either arm) cases


Amputation through shoulder joint



Amputation below shoulder with stump less than 8" from tip of acromion



Amputation below 8" from tip of acromion to less than 41[#8260]2" below tip of olecranon



Loss of a hand or of the thumb and four fingers of one hand or amputation from 41[#8260]2" below tip of olecranon



Loss of thumb



Loss of thumb and its metacarpal bone



Loss of four fingers of one hand



Loss of three fingers of one hand



Loss of two fingers of one hand



Loss of terminal phalanx of thumb


Amputation--lower limbs cases


Amputation of both feet resulting in end-bearing stumps



Amputation through both feet proximal to the metatarso-phalangeal joint



Loss of all toes of both feet through the metatarso-phalangeal joint



Loss of all toes of both feet proximal to the proximal inter-phalangeal joint



Loss of all toes of both feet distal to the proximal inter-phalangeal joint



Amputation at hip



Amputation below hip with stump not exceeding 5" in length measured from tip of great trenchanter



Amputation below hip with stump exceeding 5" in length measured from tip of great trenchanter but not beyond middle thigh



Amputation below middle thigh to 31[#8260]2" below knee



Amputation below knee with stump exceeding 31[#8260]2" but not exceeding 5"



Amputation below knee with stump exceeding 5"


Serial No.

Description of Injury

Percentage of loss of earning capacity


Amputation of one foot resulting in end-bearing



Amputation through one foot proximal to the metatarso-phalangeal joint



Loss of all toes of one foot through the metatarso-phalangeal joint


Other injuries


Loss of one eye, without complications, the other being normal



Loss of vision of one eye without complications or disfigurement of eye-ball, the other being normal



Permanent total loss of hearing in one ear



Loss of--


A--Fingers of right or left hand


Index finger






Two phalanges



One phalanx



Guillotine amputation of tip without loss of bone



Middle finger






Two phalanges



One phalanx



Guillotine amputation of tip without loss of bone


Serial No.

Description of Injury

Percentage of loss of earning capacity


Ring or little finger






Two phalanges



One phalanx



Guillotine amputation of tip without loss of bone



B--Toes of right or left foot


Great toe



Through metatarso-phalangeal joint



Part, with some loss of bone



Any other toe



Through metatarso-phalangeal joint



Part, with some loss of bone



Two toes of one foot, excluding great toe



Through metatarso-phalangeal joint



Part, with some loss of bone



Three toes of one foot, excluding great toe



Through metatarso-phalangeal joint



Part, with some loss of bone



Serial No.

Description of Injury

Percentage of loss of earning capacity


Four toes of one foot, excluding great toe



Through metatarso-phalangeal joint



Part, with some loss of bone



(Note--complete and permanent loss of the use of any limb or member referred to in this Schedule shall be deemed to be the equivalent of the loss of that limb or member.)


Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/Third Schedule


 Third Schedule

[Section 6]


1. Contributions of the First and Second categories shall be calculated with reference to monthly wages and paid at the rates indicated below.

1A.For the purposes of this Schedule--


  • (a) 

    "Monthly wages" means wages payable to an employee in respect of all wage periods ending in the month; and 

  • (b) 

    "Wage period" means the period in respect of which wages earned by an employee are payable. 

2. Part I--Contributions of the First category--for Invalidity and Employment Injury.

Monthly Wages

Employer's Contribution

Employee's Contribution


1. Wages up to RM30 ... ... ...

40 sen

10 sen

50 sen

2. When wages exceed RM30 but not RM50 ...

70 sen

20 sen

90 sen

3. When wages exceed RM50 but not RM70 ...


30 sen


4. When wages exceed RM70 but not RM100 ...


40 sen


5. When wages exceed RM100 but not RM140 ...


60 sen


6. When wages exceed RM140 but not RM200 ...


85 sen


7. When wages exceed RM200 but not RM300 ...




8. When wages exceed RM300 but not RM400 ...




9. When wages exceed RM400 but not RM500 ...




10. When wages exceed RM500 but not RM600...




11. When wages exceed RM600 but not RM700 ...




12. When wages exceed RM700 but not RM800 ...




13. When wages exceed RM800 but not RM900 ...




14. When wages exceed RM900 but not RM1,000




15. When wages exceed RM1,000 but not RM1,100




16. When wages exceed RM1,100 but not RM1,200




17. When wages exceed RM1,200 but not RM1,300




18. When wages exceed RM1,300 but not RM1,400




19. When wages exceed RM1,400 but not RM1,500




20. When wages exceed RM1,500 but not RM1,600




21. When wages exceed RM1,600 but not RM1,700




22. When wages exceed RM1,700 but not RM1,800




23. When wages exceed RM1,800 but not RM1,900




24. When wages exceed RM1,900 but not RM2,000




25. When wages exceed RM2,000 but not RM2,100




26. When wages exceed RM2,100 but not RM2,200




27. When wages exceed RM2,200 but not RM2,300




28. When wages exceed RM2,300 but not RM2,400




29. When wages exceed RM2,400 but not RM2,500




30. When wages exceed RM2,500 but not RM2,600




31. When wages exceed RM2,600 but not RM2,700




32. When wages exceed RM2,700 but not RM2,800




33. When wages exceed RM2,800 but not RM2,900




34. When wages exceed RM2,900 ... ... ...




3.(Deletedby Act A814).

4.Part III--Contributions of the Second category for the contingency of Employment Injury only. (Contributions to be paid entirely by the Employer).

Monthly Wages

Employer's Contribution

1. Wages up to RM30 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

30 sen

2. When wages exceed RM30 but not RM50 ... ... ... ...

50 sen

3. When wages exceed RM50 but not RM70 ... ... ... ...

80 sen

4. When wages exceed RM70 but not RM100 ... ... ...


5. When wages exceed RM100 but not RM140 ... ... ...


6. When wages exceed RM140 but not RM200 ... ... ...


7. When wages exceed RM200 but not RM300 ... ... ...


8. When wages exceed RM300 but not RM400 ... ... ...


9. When wages exceed RM400 but not RM500 ... ... ...


10. When wages exceed RM500 but not RM600 ... ... ...


11. When wages exceed RM600 but not RM700 ... ... ...


12. When wages exceed RM700 but not RM800 ... ... ...


13. When wages exceed RM800 but not RM900 ... ... ...


14. When wages exceed RM900 but not RM1,000 ... ... ...


15. When wages exceed RM1,000 but not RM1,100 ... ...


16. When wages exceed RM1,100 but not RM1,200 ... ...


17. When wages exceed RM1,200 but not RM1,300 ... ...


18. When wages exceed RM1,300 but not RM1,400 ... ...


19. When wages exceed RM1,400 but not RM1,500 ... ...


20. When wages exceed RM1,500 but not RM1,600 ... ...


21. When wages exceed RM1,600 but not RM1,700 ... ...


22. When wages exceed RM1,700 but not RM1,800 ... ...


23. When wages exceed RM1,800 but not RM1,900 ... ...


24. When wages exceed RM1,900 but not RM2,000 ... ...


25. When wages exceed RM2,000 but not RM2,100 ... ...


26. When wages exceed RM2,100 but not RM2,200 ... ...


27. When wages exceed RM2,200 but not RM2,300 ... ...


28. When wages exceed RM2,300 but not RM2,400 ... ...


29. When wages exceed RM2,400 but not RM2,500 ... ...


30. When wages exceed RM2,500 but not RM2,600 ... ...


31. When wages exceed RM2,600 but not RM2,700 ... ...


32. When wages exceed RM2,700 but not RM2,800 ... ...


33. When wages exceed RM2,800 but not RM2,900 ... ...


34. When wages exceed RM2,900 ... ... ... ... ... ...



Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/Fourth Schedule


 Fourth Schedule

[Sections 20, 22, 26]


1. (1) Daily rate of benefit shall be as follows:


  • (a) 

    for temporary disablement, an amount equivalent to eighty per cent of the assumed average daily wage; 

  • (b) 

    for permanent total disablement, an amount equivalent to ninety per cent of the assumed average daily wage. 

(2) For the purposes of this paragraph, "assumed average daily wage" means the assumed average daily wage of the insured person who sustains the employment injury resulting in such disablement.

2. Assumed average daily wage under the foregoing paragraph shall be equal to one-thirtieth of the assumed average monthly wage of the insured person.

3.Assumed average monthly wage mentioned in paragraph 2 shall be an amount equivalent to the sum of the assumed monthly wages for each of the months for which contributions of the First or Second Category have been paid or were payable during the continuous period of six months immediately preceding the month in which the employment injury occurred, divided by the number of months for which such contributions were so paid or payable:

Provided that in the event the insured person has been in employment for less than 24 days in any month, the contributions paid or payable for that month in respect of him shall not be taken into consideration for the calculation of the assumed average monthly wage.

4.Assumed monthly wage mentioned in paragraph 3 for every month shall be the amount shown in the following table as corresponding to the rate of contribution of the First or Second category paid or payable for that month.

Actual monthly wage of the month

First Category

Second Category

Corresponding assumed monthly wage for the month

1. Wages up to RM30 ... ... ... ......

50 sen

30 sen


2. When wages exceed RM30 but not RM50 ...

90 sen

50 sen


3. When wages exceed RM50 but not RM70...


80 sen


4. When wages exceed RM70 but not RM100 ...




5. When wages exceed RM100 but not RM140 ...




6. When wages exceed RM140 but not RM200 ...




7. When wages exceed RM200 but not RM300 ...




8. When wages exceed RM300 but not RM400 ...




9. When wages exceed RM400 but not RM500 ...




10. When wages exceed RM500 but not RM600 ...




11. When wages exceed RM600 but not RM700 ...




12. When wages exceed RM700 but not RM800 ...




13. When wages exceed RM800 but not RM900 ...




14. When wages exceed RM900 but not RM1,000




15. When wages exceed RM1,000 but not RM1,100




16. When wages exceed RM1,100 but not RM1,200




17. When wages exceed RM1,200 but not RM1,300




18. When wages exceed RM1,300 but not RM1,400




19. When wages exceed RM1,400 but not RM1,500




20. When wages exceed RM1,500 but not RM1,600




21. When wages exceed RM1,600 but not RM1,700




22. When wages exceed RM1,700 but not RM1,800




23. When wages exceed RM1,800 but not RM1,900




24. When wages exceed RM1,900 but not RM2,000




25. When wages exceed RM2,000 but not RM2,100




26. When wages exceed RM2,100 but not RM2,200




27. When wages exceed RM2,200 but not RM2,300




28. When wages exceed RM2,300 but not RM2,400




29. When wages exceed RM2,400 but not RM2,500




30. When wages exceed RM2,500 but not RM2,600




31. When wages exceed RM2,600 but not RM2,700




32. When wages exceed RM2,700 but not RM2,800




33. When wages exceed RM2,800 but not RM2,900




34. When wages exceed RM2,900 ... ...




4A.Where no contribution of the First or Second Category shall be paid or payable in respect of the insured person during the continuous period of six months immediately preceding the month in which the employment injury occurred or where none of the contributions paid or payable during the continuous period of six months immediately preceding the month in which the employment injury occurred can be taken into consideration for the purpose of the calculation of the assumed average monthly wage in accordance with the proviso to paragraph 3, the daily rate of benefit admissible for temporary disablement shall be equal to eighty per cent and permanent total disablement shall be equal to ninety per cent of the average assumed monthly wage of a person employed on similar work by the same employer or any employer in the same locality divided by thirty:

Provided that for the purposes of this paragraph the average assumed monthly wage shall be equal to the sum of the assumed monthly wage of a person employed on similar work by the same employer or, if there is no such person, any other person employed on similar work by another employer in the same locality for which the contributions of the First or Second category have been paid or were payable during the continuous period of six months immediately preceding the month in which the relevant employment injury occurred, divided by the number of months for which such contributions were so paid or payable:

Provided further that in the event such person has been in employment for less than 24 days in any month, the contribution paid or payable for that month in respect of him shall not be taken into consideration for the calculation of the assumed monthly wage.

5. Where no contribution of the First or Second category shall be paid or payable during the continuous period of six months immediately preceding the month in which the employment injury occurred or where none of the contributions paid or payable during the continuous period of six months immediately preceding the month in which the employment injury occurred can be taken into consideration for the purpose of the calculation of the assumed monthly wage in accordance with the proviso to paragraph 3, or where the daily rate of benefit calculated under paragraph 1 or paragraph 4A is less than the minimum rate prescribed by the Minister from time to time by regulations, then in any such case the daily rate of benefit admissible for temporary disablement or permanent total disablement shall be deemed to be the minimum rate prescribed by the Minister from time to time by regulations.

6.(Deleted by Act A1232).

7.Daily rate of permanent partial disablement benefit shall be such percentage of the daily rate of permanent total disablement as is specified in the Second Schedule as being the percentage of the loss of earning capacity caused by such permanent partial disablement:

Provided that for permanent partial disablement not specified in the Second Schedule, the daily rate of benefit shall be such percentage of the rate of permanent total disablement benefit as is proportionate to the loss of earning capacity permanently caused by such permanent partial disablement:

Provided further that where more injuries than one are caused by the same accident, the daily rate of benefit for those injuries shall be aggregated but not so in any case as to exceed the permanent total disablement benefit.

8.Daily rate of dependants' benefit shall be as follows:


  • (i) 

    for the widow or widower, an amount equivalent to three-fifths of the daily rate of permanent total disablement benefit of the deceased insured person if he had sustained such disablement from the employment injury which resulted in his death; 

  • (ii) 

    for each child, two-fifths of the daily rate of permanent total disablement benefit mentioned in (i): 

Provided that if the total of the dependants' benefit distributed among the widow or widower and child or children exceeds at any time the daily rate of permanent total disablement benefit, the share of each dependant shall be proportionately reduced so that the total amount payable does not exceed the daily rate of permanent total disablement benefit:

Provided further that if there is no widow or widower or if the widow or widower dies, the daily rate of benefit for each child shall be three-fifths of the daily rate of permanent total disablement benefit mentioned in (i), and if there be more than one child, the amount payable shall be equally divided between them.

9.In case the deceased insured person does not leave a widow or widower or child, dependants' benefit shall be payable to the other dependants' as follows:


  • (a) 

    to a parent or grandparent, for life, at an amount equal to four tenths of the daily rate of permanent total disablement benefit which would have been admissible to the deceased insured person if he had sustained permanent total disablement from the employment injury, and if there are two or more parents or grandparents, the amount payable to the parents or grandparents as aforesaid shall be equally divided between them; 

  • (b) 

    to any other dependant until marriage or until he attains twenty-one years of age, whichever is the earlier, or if widowed until re-marriage or until he attains twenty-one years of age, whichever is the earlier, at an amount equivalent to three-tenths of the full rate, and if there be more than one dependant under this subparagraph, the amount payable shall be equally divided among them. 

10. (Deleted by Act A1232).

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/Fifth Schedule


 Fifth Schedule

[Section 28]






Chemicals-Metals and its compounds


Occupations involving the use or handling of (manufacture, transport, storage, disposal) and exposure to the metal and its toxic fumes, dust or vapour or its compound exceeding Permissible Exposure Limits

1. Aluminium

Respiratory irritant, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary fibrosis, dermatitis

Exposure during welding of aluminium metal; use as phosphor binders, manufacture of cans, containers and wrappings, pigments, paints, catalysts, alloys, engine and aircraft components, electric wires and cables, window frames, antiperspirants and in aluminium reduction plants

2. Antimony

Dermatitis pneumoconiosis, haemolysis, anuria, nasal septum perforation, myocardial injury, lung cancer (Antimony trioxide)

Exposure during use as a flame retardant for plastics, paint, textiles, paper, rubber and adhesives, alloys in production of battery grids, type casting, cable sheath and manufacture of semiconductor devices

3. Arsenic

Encephalopathy, peripheral neuritis, polyneuropathy, acquired haemolytic anaemia, glomerular and tubular damage, nasal septum perforation, skin hyperkeratosis, lung fibrosis, dystrophy of corneral surface, hepatic angiosarcoma cancer of skin and lung

Exposure during mining, alloy production, copper smelting, production and use of arsenic pesticide, herbicides, insecticides; use in the microelectronic industry; and used as pigment and refining agents in glass manufacture, preservative in tanning wood and cable sheaths

4. Barium

Benign pneumoconiosis (baritosis), local irritation

Exposure during the manufacture of aluminium alloys, ceramics (as flux), welding rod fluxes, flares and fireworks, lubricating oil detergents, rubber, paint, paper, linoleum and plastics (as filler) hair removers, pesticide; during barite ore refining

5. Beryllium

Chronic beryllium disease, tracheobronchitis,pneumonitis dermatitis (ulceration or granuloma), berylliosis, lung cancer

Exposure during production of hard, corrosion-resistant alloys in aerospace industry, nuclear reactors; ceramic and refractory products, electrical contacts, switches, welding electrodes, cathode ray tubes, metallic alloys and lithography for the electronics industry

6. Boron

Respiratory and skin irritation, Central nervous system depression, mental behavior disorders, renal damage

Exposure during degassing and deoxidising of metals; steel hardening process; metallurgic processes (as fluxes and shielding slag); use in atomic reactors as neutron absorber; glass fibers production and in bleaching products

7. Cadmium

Osteomalacia, pneumonitis, emphysema, tubular and glomerular damage with renal failure, anosmia, lung cancer

Exposure during electroplating; manufacture of nickel-cadmium batteries, high speed bearings, soldering, welding and silver brazing (as fillers); use in plastics industry (stabiliser); use as pigments (in rubber, ink, plastics, paint, textiles) and jewellery manufacture

8. Chromium

Nasal and skin ulcer, nasal septum perforation, tubular necrosis, allergic and irritant dermatitis, asthma

Exposure during electroplating, dye or pigment manufacture and welding

9. Cobalt

Allergic contact dermatitis, hard metal lung disease, cardio-myopathy

Exposure during manufacture of high temperature alloys for jet engines

10. Copper

Haemolysis, pulmonary fibrosis, metal fume fever

Exposure during electroplating, manufacture of rayon, pigments and copper based fungicide

11. Lead


(a) Inorganic

Anaemia, polyneuropathy, toxic encephalopathy, neurobehavioural disturbances, haemolysis and acute renal failure

Exposure during lead and zinc mining or extraction; use in plumbing, ammunition, ceramics, crystal, lead storage batteries manufacture; welding or cutting, spray printing and pottery

(b) Organic Alkyl lead compounds

Hallucinations, agitation, mental confusion, coma

Exposure during fuel production, transportations of antiknock agents, blending antiknock fluid and raw gasoline at refineries of antiknock agents; cleaning of tanks containing leaded gasoline or aviation fuel

12. Manganese

Chemical pneumonitis, secondary parkinsonism, encephalopathy, renal injury, metal fume fever

Exposure during mining and processing, grinding, smelting, metallurgy, welding and pottery glazing; manufacture of dry batteries and fungicides; use as oxidizing agent in the chemical industry and in production of steel and alloys

13. Mercury


(a) Organic methyl mercury

Central nervous system toxicity characterised by combined cerebellar and cortical degeneration

Exposure during use in the manufacture of antiseptics, germicides, diuretics, contraceptives, pesticides (algicides, fungicides), paints and waxes and in the chemical industry (catalyst and alkylating agents)

(b) Inorganic mercury

Central nervous system toxicity characterised by tremor and neuropsychiatric disease

Exposure during electrolytic production of sodium hydroxide and chlorine, battery production, fungicide manufacture, metallurgy and manufacture of mercury containing equipment

14. Nickel

Allergic contact dermatitis, asthma, interstitial pneumonitis, nasal and lung cancer (Nickel bisulphide)

Exposure during concentrating, smelting or refining in the nickel producing industry, stainless steel production, manufacture of batteries, metallurgy, alloys, electroplating; use as catalysts and pigments; sulphide nickel ore miners and high nickel alloy manufacture workers

15. Nickel carbonyl

Interstitial pneumonitis, pulmonary and cerebral oedema, cerebral haemorrage

Exposure to nickel carbonyl gas during refining of nickel

16. Phosphorus

Necrosis of jaw, dermal burns, respiratory irritation, hepatic and renal toxicity

Exposure during use as fertilizer; use in beverage and dentifrices production (phosphoric acid salts); pesticides[#8260] rodenticide, flame retardants, gasoline and lube oils production (inorganic phosphorus compounds); explosives, ammunitions and match production (red phosphorus)

17. Platinum

Asthma, allergic contact dermatitis, allergic rhinitis

Exposure during use in electroplating, platinum refinery operations and manufacture of fluorescent screen

18. Selenium

Pulmonary oedema, skin irritant allergic dermatitis and skin burns

Exposure to elemental selenium in electronics, glass, ceramic, plastic and rubber industries

19. Thallium

Sensori-motor polyneuropathy

Exposure during use as rodenticide, manufacture of electronic components and optical lens

20. Tin


(a) Inorganic

Respiratory irritation, benign pneumoconiosis (stannosis) seizures, skin irritation and fits

Exposure during use in electroplating, canning, soldering, tin alloy processes

(b) Organic organotin (trimethyl, triethyltin)

Irritation of eyes, mild to severe skin and mucous membrane irritation, cerebral oedema, hepatic necrosis and fits

Exposure during use as stabiliser in plastics and oil, as catalysts in curing rubber; as preservatives in textile and leather and as biocides in marine plants

21. Uranium

Kidney disease, lung cancer, radiation sickness

Exposure during mining and use of uranium

22. Vanadium

Respiratory irritation, asthma, allergic dermatitis

Exposure during use in production of ferrovanadium, vanadium alloys, use as catalyst and coating

23. Zinc

Pulmonary irritation and oedema

Exposure during use in galvanising steel and other metals, die cast for use in automotive parts and electrical equipment





Acid and Alkali


Occupations involving the use or handling of (manufacturing, transport, storage, disposal) and exposure to, the acid and alkali and its toxic vapour, or its compound exceeding Permissible Exposure Limits

1. Acetic acid

Respiratory irritation, bronchitis, pharyngitis

Exposure during use in photographic development; manufacture of glycine, drugs, dyes and herbicides

2. Acrylic acid

Irritation of the eyes, skin and respiratory system; eye and skin burns; skin sensitisation

Exposure during use in resin, plasticiser and drug production

3. Chromic acid (chromates or dichromates)

Nasal and skin ulceration, perforation of the nasal septum

Exposure during use in chromium plating, process engraving, cement manufacture, anodizing, metal cleaning, tanning, manufacture of ceramic glazes and paints

4. Formic acid

Irritation of the eyes, skin, throat; skin burns, dermatitis

Exposure during use in textile industry, leather industry, nickel plating and as a coagulant for rubber latex

5 Fumaric acid

Mild skin and mucous membrane irritation

Exposure during use in manufacture of synthetic resins, dyes, surface coatings, inks and plasticisers

6. Glycolic acid

Skin and eye burns

Exposure during use in leather, textile, adhesive and plastic industries

7. Hydrochloric acid

Irritation eyes and skin

Exposure during use in steel pickling, chemical manufacturing and thermal degradation of polyvinyl chloride

8. Hydrofluoric acid

Osteosclerosis, skin burns

Exposure during use as an intermediate in the production of fluorocarbons; use in metal cleaning, glass etching and polishing applications

9. Nitric acid- Nitrous fumes

Bronchiolitis fibrosa obliterans

Exposure during production of ammonium potassium nitrate, explosives, adipic acid, isocyanides and fertilizers

10. Phosphoric acid

Irritant dermatitis, respiratory irritation, pulmonary oedema

Exposure during production of fertilizers, detergents and cleansers

11. Sulphuric acid

Laryngeal and lung cancer

Exposure during manufacture of fertilizers, nitrobenzene; electroplating and petroleum refining







Occupations involving the use or handling of (manufacturing, transport, storage, disposal) and exposure to gases exceeding Permissible Exposure Limits

1. Ammonia

Reactive airway dysfunction syndrome, bronchiolitis obliterans, chronic respiratory insufficiency

Exposure during use in refrigeration work, plastic manufacture, petroleum refining and jewellery electroplating

2. Carbon dioxide

Simple asphyxiant, coma, anoxic brain injurycardiac arrest

Exposure during blasting, use in manufacture of mineral water, fermentation in breweries and the formation of lime in lime kilns

3. Carbon monoxide

Asphyxiant, anoxic brain injury, cardiac ischemia

Exposure during use of non-electric fork lift used indoors, dynamite, gunpowder for blasting in subterranean galleries; use in illuminating gas, fire fighting, garage works, power of producer gas, blast furnaces, stoves for the burning of charcoal coke and other fuel, gas engines

4. Diethylene dioxide (dioxane)

Acute renal failure, liver necrosis

Exposure during use in paint diluents, cleaning agents and in the semiconductor industry

5. Ethylene oxide

Respiratory tract irritation, cancer, polyneuropathy,cataract

Exposure during use in manufacture of ethylene glycol, glycol ethers and medical products; use as a pesticide fumigant, sterilant in hospitals

6. Formaldehyde

Contact dermatitis, bronchitis, asthma, nasopharynx and lung cancer

Exposure during use in mortuary,tissue preservative, laboratory workers

7. Halogens

Chemical asphyxiants

Exposure during use for water sterilisation

8. Hydrogen cyanide

Anoxic brain injury, skin corrosion, optic atropy

Exposure during use in fogging, metal plating operations, extraction of silver and gold salts from ores

9. Hydrogen fluoride

Skin burns, fluorosis, reactive air ways dysfunction syndrome, bronchiolitis obliterans, chronic respiratory insufficiency

Exposure during use in plastic industry and microelectronics

10. Hydrogen sulphide

Respiratory and mucous membrane irritation, anoxic brain injury

Exposure during use in geothermal and fossil fuel energy extraction; use as agricultural disinfectant by farmers, sewage and manure pit workers

11. Nitric oxides, Nitrogen dioxide

Simple asphyxiant, aggravates asthma

Exposure during welding; used in paper industry

12. Ozone

Aggravates asthma

Exposure during welding and photocopying process

13. Phosgene

Reactive airway dysfunction syndrome, pulmonary oedema, bronchiolitis

Exposure during use in manufacture of isocyanate, pesticide, dyes, and pharmaceuticals; exposure during arc welding







Occupations involving the use or handling of (manufacturing, transport, storage, disposal) and exposure to solvents exceeding Permissible Exposure Limits

1. Carbon bisulphide

Encephalopathy, psychosis, central scotoma, neurobehavioral abnormalities, parkinsonism, peripheral neuritis, respiratory irritation and renal disease

Exposure during manufacture of rayon, insecticides, herbicides, lacquer and varnish and in laboratory work

2. n-hexane

Central nervous system, depression, neurobehavioural dysfunction, polyneuropathy, dermatitis

Exposure during use as solvent in glues, rubber cements, varnishes, inks, and extraction process in laboratories

3. Acrylamide monomer

Axonal neuropathy with numbness. Central nervous system effects-ataxia, tremor, dysarthria, blistering of skin

Exposure to acrylamide monomer during its manufacture, in the polymer production, in surface coating industries; use in chemical processing, water treatment and mineral separation

4. Cyclohexane, kerosene

Defatting dermatitis, central nervous system depression) depression, disequilibrium, dermatitis, neurobehavioural dysfunction

Exposure during use as industrial solvent and in the synthesis of nylon

5. Aromatic hydrocarbons


(a) Benzene and its homologues

Acute non-lymphatic leukaemia, aplastic anaemia, agranulocytosis, methaemoglobinaemia

Exposure during paint removal and degreasing; use as a solvent in petroleum industry; coke ovens; in the production of dry cleaning agents

(b) Its toxic amino-or chloro-or nitro derivatives

Dermatitis, toxic encephalopathy, neurobehavioral dysfunction, peripheral neuropathy

Exposure during use in manufacture of explosives and dye industries

( c) Styrene

Dermatitis, toxic encephalopathy,neurobehavioral dysfunction,peripheral neuropathy

Use in the manufacture of synthetic rubber, as monomer or copolymer for polystyrene acryonitrile-butadiene-sytrene (ABS) resins

(d) Toluene

Dermatitis, toxic encephalopathy, neurobehavioral dysfunction, peripheral neuropathy

Use as solvent in chemical industry and laboratories

(e) Xylene

Dermatitis, toxic encephalopathy, neurobehavioral dysfunction, peripheral neuropathy

Use as substrate for organic synthesis

6. Methyl alcohol

Optic neuropathy (Methyl alcohol) and central nervous system depression

Exposure during use as industrial intermediate, solvent, ingredient of antifreeze and fuel

7. Carbon tetrachloride

Liver and kidney toxic

Exposure during production of chloroflurorocarbon, chlorinated rubber, pharmaceuticals, pesticides and antiknock agents

8. 2 methoxyethanol

Encephalopathy, anaemia, defatting dermatitis

Exposure during use as solvent; manufacture of anti-freezing and polyesters

9. Ketones


(a) Methyl n-butyl ketone (MnBK)

Encephalopathy, sensori-motor polyneuropathy, mental and behaviour disorders, opticneuropathy

Exposure during use as industrial solvent and varnish remover

(b) Methyl iso-butyl Ketone (MiBK)

Peripheral neuropathy

Exposure during use as a solvent in paint and as extraction solvent in pharmaceutical industry

(c) Methyl ethyl ketone (MEK)

Peripheral neuropathy in conjuction with n-hexane or Methyl n-butyl ketone

Exposure during use as solvent; in vegetable-oil extraction and separation in petrochemical industry

10. Methylene Chloride

Liver toxin, increases carboxyhaemoglobin

Exposure during use in manufacture of toys and plastic products

11. Methyl chloride (chlorome-thane)

Toxic to brain, liver, kidneys and lungs, fits, ataxia and diplopia

Exposure during production of methyl silicon polymers and resins, use as a methylating agent in the productions of butyl rubber

12. Tetrachlore- thane

Powerful narcotic, central nervous system and liver toxicity, skin irritant

Exposure during use in aircraft manufacturing: use as a solvent; preparation of aero plane fabric; manufacture of artificial pearl and leather

13. Trichlorome-thane(chloroform)

Liver toxin, anesthetic

Exposure during use in laboratory work and industrial solvent

14. Trichloro-ethylene

Narcotic effect, euphoria, dizziness, confusion, drowsiness, loss of consciousness, chemical pneumonitis, kidney and liver damage, dermatitis

Exposure during use in degreasing, lens cleaning; as solvent for extraction and chemical intermediate

15. 1, 1, 2 Trichloroethane

Depression of central nervous system, toxic encephalopathy

Exposure during use as chemical intermediate and solvent

16. Aldehyde based solvents


(a) Formaldehyde

Eye irritation, contact dermatitis, bronchitis, asthma, naso-pharyngeal cancer and lung cancer

Exposure during use in production of formaldehyde and its polyacetal and phenolic resin, plastics, plywood glue; manufacture of urea; as intermediate in chemical synthesis, moulding compounds, foundry resins; preservation and disinfection; adhesives for insulation; slow release fertilizers and formaldehyde based textile finishes


Skin eye and lung irritant, occupational asthma, allergic dermatitis

Exposure during use as biological fixative in laboratories, tanning and chemical synthesis

17. Bis (Chloromethyl) ether (BCME)

Respiratory irritation, lung cancer (mainly oat cell type)

Exposure during use in preparation of ion exchange resins







Occupations involving the use or handling of (manufacturing, transport, storage, disposal) and exposure to pesticides, vapour, dust or its compound exceeding the Permissible Exposure Limits

1. Dipyridyls (Diquat, Paraquat)

Acute respiratory distress syndrome, pulmonary fibrosis, corneal injury, central nervous system disturbance, renal and hepatotoxicity

Exposure during use as herbicides by farmers, pesticide manufactures, pesticide sprayers and agricultural researchers

2. Carbamates (dimethyldithio carbamate)

Irritant dermatitis, delayed polyneuropathy bronchospasm, pancreatitis

Exposure during use as insecticides by farmers, pesticide manufactures, pesticide sprayers and agricultural researchers

3. Chlorophenoxy compounds (2-4 Dichloro phenoxy acetic acid)

Hypotension, respiratory failure, muscle weakness and spasm, rhabdomyolysis

Exposure during use as herbicide by farmers, pesticide manufactures, pesticide sprayers and agricultural researchers

4. Fungicides Dithiocarba- mates and thiocarbamates (ethylene-bisdi- thiocarbamate, Dimethyldithio-carbamate)

Irritant and allergic dermatitis, thyroid adenocarcinoma

Exposure during use as fungicide by farmers, pesticide manufactures, pesticide sprayers and agricultural researchers

5. Glyphosate

Hypotension, dysarrhythmia, pulmonary oedema, aspirationpneumonitis, mucous membrane irritation, contact dermatitis, liver toxicity

Exposure during use as herbicide by farmers, pesticide manufactures, pesticide sprayers and agricultural researchers

6. Organochlorine (Aldrin, chlordane, endosulfan, endrin, lindane)

Central nervous system excitation, fits, aplastic anaemia

Exposure during use as insecticide by farmers, pesticide manufactures, pesticide sprayers and agricultural researchers

7. Methyl bromide (Bromome-thane)

Encephalopathy, respiratory distress, fits, peripheral neuropathy, liver toxic

Exposure during use as fumigation agent

9. Nitophenol

Kidney and liver damage, methemoglobinemia, Central nervous stimulant

Exposure during use as herbicide, insecticide, fungicide by farmers, pesticide manufactures, pesticide sprayers and agricultural researchers

10. Organophos- phate phosphorus or it's inorganic compound

Irritant dermatitis, persistent central nervous system toxicity, delayed polyneuropathy, bron-chospasm, pancreatitis

Exposure during use as insecticide by farmers, pesticide manufactures, sprayers and agricultural researchers

11. Synthetic pyrethroids (Permethrin, deltamethrin)

Asthma, allergic and irritant contact dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, thrombocytopaenia

Exposure during use as insecticide by farmers, pesticide manufactures, sprayers and agricultural researchers

12. Pentachloro- phenol

Skin and respiratory tract irritation, systemic collapse, chloracne, bronchitis, bone marrow aplasia, visual loss

Exposure during use as insecticide and wood preservative

13. Rodenticides


(a) Warfarin

Bleeding from mucous membrane and gastrointestinal tract

Exposure during use as rodenticides by farmers, manufacturers and agricultural researchers

(b) Zinc phosphide

Severe pulmonary irritation, fits, renal and liver toxicity

Exposure during use as fumigant gas, rodenticide baits





Physical agents


Occupations involving the exposure to these physical agents and exceeding Permissible Exposure Limits

1. Noise

Acoustic trauma

Exposure to occupational noise of very high sound 140 dB pressure level for a short time


Noise Induced hearing loss

Exposure to occupational noise of high sound pressure level in excess of 85 decibels over 8-hour period for many years

2. Vibration

Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS)

Exposure to prolonged excessive local vibration to hand of range 125-300 Hz.


Whole body vibration

Exposure to repeated motions, vibrations from pneumatic tools, power drills, riveting machines or hammers-lumberjacks, chain sawyers, chippers, rock drillers, stone cutters, jackhammer operators and riveters

3. Pressure

Dysbarism, decompression sickness, barotraumas, osteo-necrosis, cerebral arterial gas embolism, bends

Exposure to compressed air, underwater or rarefied air, other respirable gases or gaseous mixtures such as in under water or tunnel workers

4. Radiation


(a) Ionising radiation


(i) Acute exposure to large doses of X-rays, gamma rays, alpha rays and beta rays

Acute radiation syndrome, transient erythema, desquamation, radionecrotic lesions, Cataract, chronic radiodermatitis, polyneuropathy, cutaneous spinocellular epithelioma, lymphoid myeloid leukaemia, osteosarcoma, aplastic anaemia, cancer of lung, thyroid, testis, female breast and skin

Acute exposure to X-rays, nuclear reactors, ionising particle, radium, other radio-active substance or radiant energy Chronic exposure to X-rays, nuclear reactors, ionising particle, radium, other radio-active substance or radiant energy

(ii) Chronic exposure to X-rays, gamma rays, alpha rays and beta rays with a long latent period


(b) Non-ionising radiation


(i) Ultraviolet radiation

Acute effect: radiation cataract keratoconjunctivitis, photoretinitis, skin erythema

Frequent or prolonged exposure to ultraviolet, the glare or rays from molten glass, molten or red-hot metal, white-hot material during electro-welding or acetylene welding


Chronic effect: Actinic cataract, skin cancer


(ii) Infrared radiation

Acute effect: Blepharitis, keratitis, heat-related retinal disorder-scotoma pigmentary lesions of fundus

Acute or prolonged exposure to infra red radiation among blacksmiths, glass blowers, furnace men, baker, foundry workers, industrial lasers


Chronic effect: Glass Workers' Cataract


5. Heat

Heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heat syncope, heat stroke and cataract

Exposure to extreme heat, strenuous exercise and impaired heat dissipation, high humidity during outdoor work, high temperature processes, welders, ceramic workers and bakery workers

6. Extreme low temperatures

Chilblain, frostbite, immersion foot, systemic hypothermia

Exposure to extreme cold where the core body temperature falls below 36° Celsius in cold room or frozen food industry

7. Lack of oxygen

Hypoxia, asphyxiation

Exposure to working environment with insufficient oxygen, confined spaces, manholes, maintenance silos and in high altitudes researchers, mountain climbers

8. Poor lighting

Miner's nystagmus and other irregular eye movements

Exposure to poor lighting in mines





Biological agents


Occupations involving exposure to biological agents and where there is an infection

A. Viral

1. Arbovirus

St. Louis[#8260]Equine encephalomyelitis

Exposure among laboratory workers

2. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus (HPAI)

Avian Influenza

Exposure to birds infected with HPAI

3. Human Immunodeficiency Virus

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

Exposure to blood and blood products infected with HIV among health care workers, laboratory disposal and service workers

4. Flavivirus

Japanese Encephalitis

Exposure to animals infected with Flavivirus

5. Hepatitis A virus

Hepatitis A infection

Exposure to Hepatitis A virus among sewage workers

6. Hepatitis B virus

Hepatitis B infection acute liver failure, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, hepatoma

Exposure to human blood or human blood products contaminated with Hepatitis B virus or a source of Hepatitis B virus among health care and laboratory workers, hospital waste disposal workers, ambulance personnel, prison and police staff

7. Hepatitis C virus

Hepatitis C infection chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, hepatoma

Exposure to human blood or human blood products contaminated with Hepatitis C virus, or a source of Hepatitis C virus among health care and laboratory workers, hospital waste disposal workers, ambulance personnel, prison and police staff

8. Hepatitis E virus

Hepatitis E infection

Exposure to human blood or human blood products contaminated with Hepatitis E virus, or a source of Hepatitis E virus among health care and laboratory workers, hospital waste disposal workers, ambulance personnel, prison and police staff

9. Nipah virus (Paramyxo-viridae)

Nipah virus infection

Exposure to animals infected with Nipah virus and its meat among pig farmers and health care workers

10. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) virus (Corona virus)

SARS virus infection

Exposure to people infected with SARS virus among health care workers

11. Rabies Virus

Rabies, central nervous system manifestations, delirium, fits, respiratory failure

Exposure to Rabies virus through bites of rabid animals or domestic animals infected with rabies virus among farming and animal husbandry work, veterinary, animals laboratory and animal control personnel

12. Rubella virus


Exposure to patients with rubella infection among health care staff and kindergarten caretakers

B. Bacteria


1. Bacillus anthracis from animals products

Anthrax infection cutaneous vesicular lesion, pulmonary-hemorrhage, pneumonia

Exposure to animals infected with Bacillus anthracis and its spores, bristle, hides, hoofs, wool, horn or skins or other animal products or handling of carcasses and residues among farming, animal, abattoir, veterinary, laboratory work, doctors, nurses, ambulance crews and pathology technicians

2. Borrelia burgdorferi from bite of infected tick

Lyme disease

Exposure to bite from a tick infected with Borrelia burgdorferi among work involving out door work involving farming and forestry

3. Brucella abortus, B.suis, B. mellitensis from livestock


Exposure to animals infected with Brucella or their products among farming, forestry and animal husbandry work, carcasses or parts thereof or their untreated products, abattoir, veterinary, laboratory work; handling laboratory specimens or vaccines containing Brucella

4. Clostridium tetani from soil, sewage or animals through an unclean deep wound

Tetanus Fits

Exposure to contaminated soil during farming, military work and sewage work

5. Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae from infected animals

Erysipeloid Cutaneous Erysipeloid Sepsis with endocarditis

Exposure to the agent through farming and animal husbandry work, veterinary work, abattoir work, meat processing work other work, involving contact with pig, cattle, poultry or fish including the handling of its carcasses

6. Francisella tularensis from a variety of animals, particularly hares, rabbits, squirrels, rats, mice and other rodents


Exposure to Francisella tularensis during farming, animal husbandry work, forestry, laboratory work involving handling of infected rabbits, hares, ground squirrels, mice or other small furry rodents

7. Leptospira ictohaemorr-hagica[#8260] interrogans from animals (especially rat) animal urine or contaminated soil

Leptospirosis [#8260] Weil disease (swamp fever, swine disease) Liver and kidney failure, pneumonia

Exposure to the agent through farming and animal husbandry work, veterinary work, abattoir work, dairy work, meat processing work, work with contact with contaminated soil, fresh water fisherman and fish handler, sewage work and garbage collector involving exposure to infected rats

8. Mycobacte-rium bovis from infected animals

Bovine tuberculosis

Exposure to Mycobacterium bovis transmitted through contact with infected animals or their products, abattoir work and animal husbandry

9. Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Mycobacte-rium leprae from infected human


Exposure through close contact with a source or sources of the agent by reason of employment:(a) in the medical treatment or nursing of a person or persons suffering from tuberculosis[#8260]leprosy or in a service ancillary to such treatment or nursing;


(b) in attendance upon a person or persons suffering from tuberculosis or leproswhere the need for such attendance arises by reason of physical or mental infirmity;


(c) as a research worker engaged in research in connection with tuberculosis[#8260]leprosy; or


(d) as a laboratory worker, pathologists or post-mortem worker, where occupation involves working with material which is a source of tuberculosis infection or in any occupation ancillary to such employment

10. Mycobacte- rium marinum

Fish tank granuloma

Exposure to the agent among fish tank cleanser

11. Pseudomo-nas mallei

Glanders pneumonia, septicaemia, local abscesses

Exposure through contact rabid dogs, or equine animals or carcasses among farm and slaughterhouse workers

12. Pseudomo- nas pseudomallei


Exposure to rodents infected with Pseudomonas pseudomallei

C. Rickettsiae and Chlamydiae

1. Chlamydia psittaci from birds

Avian chlamydiosispsittacosis (ornithosis)encephalitis, myocarditis,thrombophlebitis Ovine chlamydiosis

Exposure to birds, poultry or their excreta infected with Chlamydia psittaci or the remains or untreated products of such birds such as duck farm workers, feather processing workers, abattoir workers, poultry meat inspectors and pet shop workers Exposure through contact with sheep infected with Chlamydia psittaci or the remains or untreated products of such sheep among sheep farm workers, veterinary surgeons

2. Chlamydia pneumoniae from humans

Chlamydial pneumonia

Exposure to humans infected with Chlamydia pneumoniae among healthcare workers

3. Coxiella burnetii from domestic animals (cattle, sheep, goats) or more raely through tick bites

Q fever pneumonitis, myocarditis,

Exposure through contact with infected animals, sheep, their remains or their untreated products among cattle farm workers involved the rearing of sheep, abattoir work, veterinary work, laboratory work

4. Rickettsia rickettsii and other Rickettsia species

Spotted fever (tickborne typhus fever[#8260] tickborne rickettsioses)

Exposure to Rickettsia rickettsii and other Rickettsia species among laboratory work and outdoor work

5. Rickettsia prowazeki

Typhus Eschar

Exposure to any Rickettsia prowazekii among army personnel and farmers

6. Yersinia pestis

Plague Septicaemia, endotoxic shock, disseminated intravascular coagulapathy-(DIVC)

Exposure to the agent through infected rats in animal husbandry, farming

D. Protozoa


1. Toxoplasma gondiifrom cat (or birds, sheep, goats, swine, cattle, etc)

Toxoplasmosis cerebral abscess, pneumonia, myocarditis

Exposure to agents during agricultural work, veterinary work, abattoir work and pet shop work

2. HookwormAncyostoma braziliense

Cutaneous larva migrans mobile, serpiginous plaque especially of feet

Exposure to the agent among workers in tropical beaches

E. Fungi


1. Sporothricosis nocardia

Deep mycoses skin nodules

Worker involving exposure to the agent







Occupations involving the use or handling of (manufacturing, storage, disposal) and exposure to the agents exceeding Permissible Exposure Limits

A. Lung disease


1. Asthma

(a) (b)

Isocyanates-toluene diisocyanate Platinum salts

Work with exposure to asthmagens in chemical work, spray painting, polyurethane foam manufacture, use of polyurethane based adhesives, baking and farming, laboratory work, farming, woodwork, carpenters, textile dyers, hair dressers, health care work and glove producers



Fumes or dusts arising from the manufacture, transport or use of hardening agents (epoxy resin curing agent based on phthalic anhydride, tetrachloro-phthalic anhydride, trimelitic anhydride, or triethylenetetramine



Fumes arising from the use of rosin as a soldering flux



Proteolytic enzymes



Mineral dusts such as cement, copper



Flour and grain dusts



Animal including insects and other arthropods epithelia and excretions-animal dusts such as bone or hair



Wood dust



Plant dusts of plant origin such as cotton, wood, flax, jute, padi husks, cork, spices, hemp, sisal, tobacco, tea, barley oats, rye



Reactive dyes



Persulphate salt



Products made with natural latex (natural rubber)





2. Allergic rhinitis

(a) (b) (c)

Isocyanates Platinum salts Fumes or dusts arising from the manufacture, transport or use of hardening agents (epoxy resin curing agent based on phthalic anhydride, tetrachlorophthalic anhydride, trimelitic anhydride, or triethylenetrtramine)

Work with exposure to any of the agents in metal plating industry, food processing, laboratory workers, grain processing, drug manufacture, washing powder manufacture, hair dressing, electronics industry, welders, dye tea and coffee processing



Fumes arising from the use of rosin as a soldering flux



Proteolytic enzymes



Mineral dusts such as cement, copper



Flour and grain dusts



Animal including insects and other athropods epithelia and excretions-animal dusts such as bone or hair



Reactive dyes Persulphates



Products made with natural latex (natural rubber)





3. Asbestos related diseases Asbestosis (diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis), benign asbestos pleural disease, malignant asbestos related disease-mesothelioma, Pleural plaques, pleural effusion

Asbestos or any admixture of asbestos

Handling of asbestos or any admixture of asbestos, (asbestos mines and quarries, asbestos products manufacture industry), insulation work, shipyard work, work involving removal of asbestos containing materials or tiles or other or substantial exposure to the dust arising from any of the foregoing operations the manufacture r repair of asbestos textiles or other articles containing or composed of asbestos; mining, processing, manufacturing, or handling, demolition work, transportation, disposal, exposure to materials containing asbestos

4. Acute pulmonary injury (laryngeal oedema, airflow obstruction), acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)

Chlorine, ammonia, sulphur dioxide, and acid aerosols

Handling and physical exposure to materials which can cause ARDS

5. Chronic bronchitis

Coal, oil mist, synthetic vitreous fibers, Portland cement, welding fumes, cotton, grain, wood, tobacco smoke, fire smoke, engine exhaust

Exposure to the agents causing chronic bronchitis, exposure to coal dust by reason of working underground in a coal mine for a period or periods amounting in the aggregate to at least 20 years and any such period or periods shall include a period or periods of incapacity while engaged in such an occupation

6. Emphysema

B. subtilis proteases, cadmium fumes

Inhalation of cadmium fumes for a period of, or periods which amount in aggregate to 20 years or more among coal miners, textile manufacturing workers

7. Airway disease due to specific organic dust


(a) Byssinosis (weaver's cough or mill fever)

Cotton dust, hemp, or sisal

Exposure to cotton dust, cotton synthetic dusts or hemp or sisal dust among cotton industry workers

(b) Flax-dressers disease


Work with exposure to flax dust

8. Pneumoconiosis


Any occupation involving--

(a) Silicosis (i) Acute silicosis

Silica rock and other mineral dusts


the mining, quarrying or processing of silica rock, the use of dried quartzose sand (quartz, cristobalite, tridimite) or any dry deposit or dry residue of silica (silicon dioxide SiO2) or any dry admixture containing such materials, including hydrated magnesium silicate;

(ii) Accelerated silicosis

Dried quartzrose sand (quartz,cristobalite, tridimite) or any dry deposit or dry residue of silica (silicon dioxide SiO2) or any dry admixture containing such materials, including hydrated magnesium silicate


the handling of any of the materials specified in subparagraph (a) in or incidental to any of the operations mentioned therein or substantial exposure to the dust arising from such operations, grinding, drilling, braking of silica-containing rocks, ceramics and glass manufacture;

(iii) Chronic silicosis



the breaking, crushing or grinding of flint or the working or handling of broken, crushed or ground flint or materials containing such flint or substantial exposure to the dust arising from such operations;



sand blasting by means of compressed air with the use of quartzose sand or crushed silica rock or flint or substantial exposure to the dust arising from such sand blasting;



boiler scaling or substantial exposure to the dust arising there from;



occupation in a foundry or the performance of, or substantial exposure to the dust arising from, any of the following operations;



the freeing of steel castings from adherent siliceous substance;



the freeing of metal castings from adherent siliceous substance;



the manufacture of china or earthenware (including sanitary earthenware, electrical earthenware tiles), and any occupation involving substantial exposure to the dust arising there from;



the dressing of granite or any igneous rock by masons or the crushing of such materials or substantial exposure to the dust arising from such operations; or



the use, or preparation for use, of a grind-stone or substantial exposure to the dust arising there from

(b) Silicosis associated with tuberculosis

Any of the above agents in concurrent with infection by Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Any occupation involving--



the mining, quarrying or processing of silica rock, the use of dried quartzrose sand (quartz,cristobalite, tridimite) or any dry deposit or dry residue of silica (silicon dioxide SiO2) or any dry admixture containing such materials, including hydrated magnesium silicate;



the handling of any of the materials specified in subparagraph (a) in or incidental to any of the operations mentioned therein or substantial exposure to the dust arising from such operations, grinding, drilling, braking of silica-containing rocks, ceramics and glass manufacture;



the breaking, crushing or grinding of flint or the working or handling of broken, crushed or ground flint or materials containing such flint or substantial exposure to the dust arising from such operations;



sand blasting by means of compressed air with the use of quartzrose sand or crushed silica rock or flint or substantial exposure to the dust arising from such sand blasting;



boiler scaling or substantial exposure to the dust arising there from;



occupation in a foundry or the performance of, or substantial exposure to the dust arising from, any of the following operations;



the freeing of steel castings from adherent siliceous substance;



the freeing of metal castings from adherent siliceous substance;



the manufacture of china or earthenware (including sanitary earthenware, electrical earthenware tiles), and any occupation involving substantial exposure to the dust arising there from;



the dressing of granite or any igneous rock by masons or the crushing of such materials or substantial exposure to the dust arising from such operations; or



the use, or preparation for use, of a grindstone or substantial exposure to the dust arising therefrom.

9. Coal miners' pneumoconiosis and other coal related lung disease


Coal or any mine (underground or above ground) in which one of the objects of the mining operations is the getting of any mineral, or the working or handling of any minerals extracted there from

10. Graphite fibrosis (of lung) (graphite pneumoconiosis)

Graphite (natural and artificial)

Exposure during production of natural or artificial graphite articles and dust arising from grinding

11. Stannosis


Exposure to tin dust or fumes during tin mining and metallurgy

12. Siderosis

Iron dusts

Exposure to inhalation of dusts containing iron and hematite

13. Baritosis

Barium dust

Exposure during well drilling, alloys with aluminum, and use of barium carbonate in water treatment and as flux in ceramics

14. Talcosis


Exposure during talc manufacture

15. Pneumoconiosis due to padi husk

Padi husk or dust or a substance containing padi

Exposure to padi husk, dust or a substance containing padi

16. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (Extrinsic allergic alveolitis) due to organic dusts


Exposure to moulds or fungal spores or heterologous proteins by reason of employment in:

(a) Thermophilic bacteria and bacterial product



agriculture, horticulture, forestry, cultivation of edible fungi or malt-working; or



loading or unloading or handling storage mouldy vegetable matter or edible fungi

(i) Farmers lung

Micropolyspora faeni Faenia rectivirgula

Farmers exposed the agents

(ii) Mushroom worker's lung

Thermoactinomyces vulgaris Micropolyspora faeni

Workers exposed during mushroom production

(iii) Bagassosis

Thermoactinomyces sachari Thermoactinomyces vulgaris

Exposure to the agent in sugarcane plantations

(iv) Sisal worker's disease

Rope dust

Exposure to the agent among bag and rope makers

(v) Coffee worker's lung

Coffee bean dust

Exposure to the agent among coffee workers

(b) Non thermophilic bacteria


(i) Fertiliser workers lung

Thermoactinomyces vulgaris Thermoactinomyces candidus

Farmers exposed the agents when handling fertiliser

(ii) Millers' lung

Sitophilus granarius(wheat weevil)

Exposure to agent through dust contaminated grain

(iii) Detergent workers lung

Detergent dust

Exposure to the detergent beads and dust

B. Fungi


1. Wood worker's lung, wood pulp worker's lung

Moldy bark dust

Exposure to the agent among lumber barkers and loggers

2. Wheat weevils disease

Infected wheat flour

Exposure to the agent among flour workers

3. Papermill worker's lung

Moldy wood chips

Exposure to the agent among paper mill workers

C. Animal Proteins


1. Bird fancier's disease


Exposure to the agent among bird handlers

2. Pigeon breeder's lung


Exposure to the agent among pigeon handlers

3 Poultry handler's lung


Exposure to the agent among poultry farmers

4. Furrier's lung


Exposure to the agent among furriers

5. Rodent handler' disease


Exposure to the agent among animal laboratory workers

D. Chemicals


1. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis

Toluene diisocyanate (TDI), hexamethylene diisocyanate, diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI)

Exposure to agent during use as industrial solvent, among foundry workers and polyurethane foam workers


Trimellitic anhydride

Exposure to the agent among epoxy resins and paint manufacturer

2. Hard metal lung disease

Cobalt in solvents

Tungsten carbide workers with exposure to cobalt

3. Chronic beryllium disease

Beryllium particulate

Exposure to beryllium during extraction; use in metallurgy, aerospace industry and nuclear industry

4. Organic dust toxic syndrome

Moldy hay and grain, compost, Moldy sugar cane, coffee bean dust, moldy bark dust, infected wheat flour, cheese mold, moldy lichen, parakeets, pigeons, chicken ducks, fox, rats and other organic dust

Exposure to the agents during agricultural activities

5. Legionellosis

Legionella pneumophila

Exposure to Legionella pneumophila due to contaminated ventilation system in the working environment

6. Occupationally caused lung cancer

Arsenic, antimony, asbestos, nickel oxides, nickel sub-sulphide, Bis (chloromethyl) ether, chromium compound (hexavalent), calcium chromate, zinc chromate, strontium chromate in their pure forms, mustard gas, mineral oil, polycyclic aromatic hydro-carbon, radon, wood dust

Workers with direct exposure to specific agents






Occupations involving the use or handling of (manufacturing, storage, disposal) and exposure to the agents exceeding Permissible Exposure Limits

1. Allergic contact dermatitis


Adhesives, antiseptics, antibiotics - Animal feeds with antibiotics

Workers with direct exposure to these agents



Biocide - (formaldehyde, Thimerosal)



Cements (chromate, cobalt)



Cosmetics - fragrances



Cutting fluids and oils



Dyes-hair dyes - (para-phenylene diamine, photo-graphic colour developers, disperse textile dyes), disinfectants



Food (vegetables, seafood, salad dressings, meat, fruits, flavouring agent, antioxidants)



Glues and bonding agents



Metals - nickel (nickel utensils), chromate, cobalt, mercury



Plants and tree (preservatives) - wood and its preservatives



Urushiol (Toxicodendron), Sesquiterpene lactones (Compositae), Primin (Primula obconica), Tulpalin A (Tulipa, Alstroemeria)



Plastic-(epoxy monomer, acrylic monomer, phenolic resins, amine catalysts)



Resins - (epoxy, acrylates, isocyatanes, formaldehyde resins), soldering fluxes (amines and colophony)



Rubber products (additives - mercaptobenzothiazole, thiurams, carbamates, thioureas) - gloves, boots and mask (rubber chemicals)


2. Irritant contact dermatitis


Alcohols, glycols, water

Workers with direct exposure to the agents



Animals feeds, fertilizers, plants, pesticides



Amine catalyst, styrene, benzoyl peroxide



Aliphatic - petroleum distillates (kerosene, gasoline), naptha, oils, hand cleaners



Aromatic - benzene, toluene, xylene



Cutting fluids, abrasives, oils, hand cleansers



Chemicals, acids and alkalis (cements)



Eploxy, phenolic, acrylic monomers



Halogenated -trichloroethylene,chloroform, and methylene chloride



Metal - arsenic, chrome



Other agents - turpentine, ketones, esters, wood dust, lacquer, polishes



Plastics - soap and detergents, shampoos, permanent wave solutions, resins, disinfectants, antiseptics, medicaments, surfactants



Solvents - photo - toxins: coal tar, furocoumarins, dyes, drugs



Photo - allergens - plants, stillbenes, amminobenzoic acid derivatives and halogenated salicylanilides



Wood preservatives, fiber-glass, solvents, oil, pitch, tar, paints vegetables and fruits juices (enzymes), polishing agents


3. Acne and chloracne


Oils and grease and hot humid conditions in the workplace

Workers with direct exposure to oils, grease and hot humid conditions in the workplace



Chloracne - polyhalogenated, napthalenes, biphenols, dibenzofurans and some herbicides contaminants

Workers with direct exposure to the agents

4. Chrome ulceration, ulceration of the mucous membrane or the epidermis

Chromic acid, chromate or dichromate of ammonium, potassium, zinc or sodium, or any preparation or solution containing any of these substances

Workers with direct exposure to the agents

5. Contact urticaria


Allergens-latex, corn starch, animal fur and dander, antibiotic, acrylates, epoxy resins, formaldehyde, food-stuffs e.g. eggs, carrots, fish, meat and milk

Workers with direct exposure to the agents



Non-immunological agents - ethyl [#8260] butyl [#8260] isopropyl [#8260]acetyl, alcohol, sorbic acid, benzoic acid, sulphur dioxide



Ammonia, (may be either allergic or non-allergic cinnamic acid) potato, apple, lettuce, ammonium persulphate, xylene


6. Dermatitis

Rengas wood and its sap

Exposure to the agent during manipulation of rengas wood or any process in or incidental to the manufacture of articles therefrom

7. Flash kerato-conjunctivitis or retinitis

Electro-welding or acetylene welding UV light

Exposure during electro-welding or acetylene welding

8. Localised new growth of skin, papilloma, or keratotic lesions

Beryllium, shale oils, tar, pitch, bitumen, mineral oil, and soot

Workers with direct exposure to the agents

9. Mite dermatitis

Owls and pigeons and other bids with mites

Exposure to the agent during handling of owls and pigeons infested with mites

10. Occupational skin ulceration

Corrosives irritant chemicals

Exposure to the agent during handling of corrosives irritant chemicals

11. Occupational[#8260] toxic vitiligo (leucoderma)


Phenols - paratertiarybu-tylphenol (4 - tertbutyl-phenol), paratertiarybu-tylcatechol (4 - tertbuty-lcatechol), paraamylphe-nol (p - pentyl phenol)

Workers with direct exposure to the agents



Cathechols-catechols (pyrocatechol), p-methylcatechol, 4-isopropyl catechol, 4-tert-butyl catechol



Hydroquinone, monobenzylether of hydroquinone (4-benzyloxyphenol) or mono-butyl ether of hydro-quinone (4-butoxyphenol)


12. Occupational skin cancer

Arsenic or arsenic compounds, tar, pitch, polyaromatic hydro-carbon, bitumen, mineral oil (including paraffin), soot, organic dust ultraviolet radiation

Workers with direct exposure to the agents





Occupational Musculo-Skeletal Disease


Occupations involving exposure to multiple ergonomic risk factors - forceful, very highly repetitive,non-neutral work, prolonged duration, vibration, heavy load and exceeding Permissible Exposure Limits

1. Upper limb



Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Work involving pulling the shoulders back and down, working overhead with repeated abduction and adduction of the shoulder and arm resulting in compression of the neuro-vascular structures passing out of the chest, neck and beneath the clavicle to the axilla

Workers with activities characterised by multiple ergonomic risk factors


Rotator Cuff Syndrome

Tasks associated with highly rapid repetitive and vigorous movement, overstraining of the muscle and tendons, with excessive forces around the shoulder

Workers with activities characterised by multiple ergonomic risk factors


Beat hand

Tasks with rapid, repetitive, excessive manual task causing severe or prolonged external friction or stress[#8260]pressure on the bursa of hand causing severe or prolonged friction or pressure on the hand

Workers with activities characterised by multiple ergonomic risk factors


Beat elbow

Tasks with rapid, repetitive, excessive manual task causing severe or prolonged external friction or stress[#8260]pressure at bursa of the elbow

Workers with forceful, highly repetitive wrist[#8260]finger flexion and flexed elbow


Medial epicondylitis (Golfer's elbow)

Highly repetitive forceful movements, involving finger and wrist flexors[#8260] pronators

Workers with repeated forceful wrist extension and power grasp


Lateral epidcondylitis (Tennis elbow)

Highly repetitive forceful wrist dorsiflexion

Workers with constant or repetitive forceful pinching with thumb while executing, forceful exertions and extreme postures of the wrist, especially a combination of these with injury to body limbs and appendages


Radial styloid tenosynovitis (De Quervains tenosynovitis)

Constant or highly repetitive movements, forceful exertions and extreme postures of the wrist, especially a combination of these with injury to body limbs and appendages

Workers with forceful, frequent, repetitive movement with handheld vibrating tools whose internal parts vibrate so as to transmit that vibration to the hand; work involving extreme postures of the wrist or hand


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (Median nerve)

Highly repetitive movements, forceful exertions, extreme postures of the wrist and extreme movements of hyperflexion and hyperextension causing prolonged pressure on the anatomical grooves resulting in nerve injuries. Forceful, frequent repetitive movement, with vibrating tools, work involving extreme pressure and postures of the wrist, especially a combination of these risk factors


2. Lower limbs



Beat knee (Housemaid's knee)

Bursitis or subcutaneous cellulitis arising at or above the knee

Workers with rapid, repetitive, excessive manual task causing severe or prolonged friction or stress on the bursa of at or about the knee. Worker who kneel a lot


Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome (Posterior tibial nerve)

Forceful, frequent, prolonged and repetitive movement of the foot

Workers with rapid, repetitive, excessive movement of the foot





1. Post-traumatic stress disorder

Extreme traumatic stress or intense fear, helplessness or horror

Worker exposed to extreme stress caused by an accident or incident arising out of and in the course of employment







Occupations involving the use or handling of (manufacture, transport, storage, disposal) and exposure to the agents exceeding Permissible Exposure Limits

1. 4-Aminobiphenyl (IARC 1)

Cancer of the epithelial lining of the urinary tract and bladder (papilloma), liver neurological disorder

Exposure to agent during the use or handling of or exposure to the fumes, dust or vapour of 4-amino-biphenyl or substances containing 4-aminobiphenyl; use in chemical synthesis industry and rubber manufacturing

2. Acrylonitrile (IARC 2A)

Lung and prostate cancer, lymphoma, ployneuropathy

Exposure to acrylonitrile; use in textile fiber manufacture, acrylonitrile polymerization and rubber, plastics, textile industry

3. Arsenic (IARC 1)

Malignant neoplasm of skin (squamous cell carcinoma), larynx, bronchus and lungs, haemangiosarcoma

Exposure during mining, copper smelting, glass manufacture, production; use of arsenic pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, tanning and glass making

4. Asbestos (IARC 1)

Lung-Diffuse malignant mesothelioma (pleura, pericardium, peritoneum), pleura, gastrointestinal tract cancer-oesophagus, peritoneum, large intestine

Exposure to asbestos, dust or any admixture of asbestos at a level above that commonly found in the environment especially at mines or quarries; during asbestos based product manufacture, demolition or asbestos removal work


Malignant neoplasm of bronchus, larynx, lungs, kidney


5. Benzene or its toxic homologues (nitro-and amino-derivatives) (IARC1)

Leukaemia, hodgkin lymphoma, other blood malignancies

Exposure to benzene or its toxic homologues during work with coke ovens, shoe manufacture using benzene, solvents with benzene, fuel and petroleum industry

6. Benzidine and salts (IARC 1)

Malignancy of the bladder

Exposure to benzidine during dye or pigment manufacture, laboratory agent; use in paper, leather, textile and dye industry

7. Benz-o-pyrene (IARC 2A)

Malignancy of lungs, skin and bladder

Exposure to the benz-o-pyrene when using or handling it; use in research

8. Beryllium (IARC 1)

Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lungs

Exposure during production of hard, corrosion-resistant alloys in aerospace industry, nuclear reactors; ceramic and refractory products, electrical contacts, switches, welding electrodes, cathode ray tubes, metallic alloys and lithography for the electronics industry

9. -naphthylamine (IARC 1)

Cancer bladder, methaemoglobinemia, ataxia

Exposure during use for dye or pigment manufacture

10. Bis-chloromethyl ether (BCME), Chloromethylmethyl ethers (IARC 1)

Malignancy of the bronchus and lung

Exposures to Bis-chloro-methyl ether produced during the manufacture of chloromethyl methyl ether; use in the chemical industry as chemical intermediate

11. Cadmium and its compounds (IARC 1)

Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lungs

Exposure during electro-plating; manufacture of nickel-cadmium batteries, high speed bearings, soldering, welding and silver brazing (as fillers); use in plastics industry (stabiliser); use as pigments (in rubber, ink, plastics, paint, textiles) and jewellery manufacture

12. Chromium - its ompoundshexavalent (IARC 1)

Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lungs, nasal cancer

Exposure during electro-plating, dye or pigment manufacture and welding

13. Coal tars and coal tar pitches; soot asphalt, creosote or bitumen, anthracene, mineral oil, volatiles, and residues of these substances. Particulate polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (IARC 1)

Cancer of the skin, bronchus and lung, bladder, larynx, mouth cavity

Exposures to the agent during building material use, electrodes, coal gasification and coke production petroleum production, pigment manufacture, road paving and insulation

14. Ethylene oxide (IARC 1)

Leukaemia, cataract

Exposure during use in manufacture of ethylene glycol, glycol ethers and medical products; use as a pesticide fumigant, sterilant in hospitals

15. Ethylene dibromide (1,2-dibromoethane) (IARC 2A)

Cancer of the stomach

Exposure to the agent during the use, handling of, or exposure to the fumes, dustor vapour of ethylene dibromide or a substance containing dibromide

16. Formaldehyde (IARC 2A)

Cancer nasopharyngeal, sino-nasal, brain and leukaemia

Exposure to the agent during use as tissue preservative in mortuary and laboratories

17. Haematite

Lung cancer

Exposure to the agent during the use, handling and exposure to the fumes, dust or vapour of haematite, during mining (with exposure to radon)

18. Ionizing radiations (IARC 1)

Malignant neoplasm - bone and skin, leukaemia

Exposure to X-rays, nuclear reactors, ionising particle, radium, other radio active substance or radiant energy

19. Mineral oil, untreated and mildly treated (IARC 1)

Skin and scrotum cancer

Exposure to the agent during use as lubricants

20. Mustard gas (IARC 1)

Lung, larynx, pharyngeal cancer

Exposure to mustard gaswar gas

21. Nickel - its compounds subsulphite and carbonyl (IARC 1)

Malignancy of the bronchus and lung, mucous membrane of the nose or associated air sinuses

Exposure during concentrating, smelting or refining in the nickel producing industry, stainless steel production, manufacture of batteries, metallurgy, alloys, electroplating; use as catalysts and pigments; sulphide nickel ore miners and high nickel alloy manufacture workers

22. Radium (IARC 1)

Bone (sarcomas)

The use, handling of, or exposure to the fumes, dust or vapour of radium

23. Radon progeny (IARC 1)

Malignant neoplasm of bronchus and lungs

Exposure to agent in underground mining, processing of ores and radioactive products

24. Shale oils (IARC 1)

Skin and scrotum cancer

The use, handling of, or exposure to shale oils

25. Soot, tars and mineral oils

Skin, lung and bladder cancer, dystrophy of corneral surface

Exposure to the agent during road making

26. Vinyl chloride monomer (IARC 1)

Angiosarcoma of the liver, malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile ducts, brain and lung

Exposure to the agent during manufacturing of vinyl chloride, vinyl chloride polymerization and plastic industry

27. Hardwood dust

Cancer nasopharyx, nose and lung

Exposure to the agent during woodwork, cabinet and furniture makers


1. For the purpose of this Schedule--


  • (a) 

    "permissible exposure limits" means a ceiling limit or an eight-hour time- weighted average airborne concentration or the maximum exposure limit as defined under the Occupational Safety and Health (Use And Standard Of Exposure Of Chemicals Hazardous To Health) Regulations 2000 [P.U. (A) 131[#8260]2000]; 

  • (b) 

    "IARC" means International Agency for Research on Cancer-- 

  • (c) 

    "Group 1 IARC" means the agent is a definite human carcinogen; and 

  • (d) 

    "Group 2A IARC" means the agent is probably human carcinogen. 

2. For the purpose of determining an occupational disease, this Schedule shall be read together with--


  • (a) 

    the Factories and Machinery Act 1967, the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994, Regulations made under these Acts, Regulations, Guidelines, Code of Practice with regards to occupational exposures of the agent; 

  • (b) 

    the guidelines on the Diagnosis of Occupational Diseases issued by the Organization; and 

  • (c) 

    the guidelines on the Medical Surveillance made under the Occupational Safety and Health (Use And Standard Of Exposure Of Chemicals Hazardous To Health) Regulations 2000. 


Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/Sixth Schedule


 Sixth Schedule

[Section 59D]


1. (1) The Board shall meet at least three times in each year.

(2) Meetings of the Board shall be convened by the Chairman or, in his absence, by any person appointed by the Minister to act as Chairman, and notification of meetings shall be issued over the signature of the Chairman, any person appointed by the Minister to act as Chairman or the Secretary.

(3) The quorum of the Board shall be six members including the Chairman or any person appointed by the Minister to act as Chairman presiding.

(4) Where the Board has to determine any question by a vote, and an equality of votes results, the Chairman shall have a casting vote in addition to his deliberative vote.

(5) The Board may request any person, not being one of its members, to attend any meeting for the purpose of advising it or furnishing information on any matter under discussion but any person so attending shall have no right to vote.

(6) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Board shall regulate its own procedure.


2.(1) The Board shall cause minutes of all its meetings to be maintained in proper form and include a record of all decisions taken.

(2) Minutes of meetings of the Board shall be duly signed and such minutes be receivable in evidence in all legal proceedings without further proof, and every meeting of the Board in respect of the proceedings of which minutes have been so made shall be deemed to have been duly convened and held and all members thereat to have been duly qualified to act.

Common seal

3. (1) The Organization shall have a common seal which shall bear such device as the Board shall approve, and such seal may from time to time be broken, changed, altered or made anew as the Board may think fit.

(2) Until a seal is provided by the Board a stamp bearing the description "Pertubuhan Keselamatan Sosial" may be used and shall be deemed to be a common seal.

(3) The common seal or the stamp referred to in subparagraph (2) shall be kept in the custody of the Director General or such other person as may be authorized by the Board and shall be authenticated by either the Chairman or such person as may be authorized by the Board in writing; and all deeds, documents and other instruments purporting to be sealed with the said seal authenticated as aforesaid, shall until the contrary is proved be deemed to have been validly executed:

Provided that any document or instrument which if executed by a person not being a body corporate would not be required under seal, may in like manner be executed by the Board and any such document or instrument may be executed on behalf of the Board by an officer or servant of the Organization generally or specially authorized by the Board in that behalf.

(4) All courts, judges and persons acting judicially shall take judicial notice of the seal of the Organization.

Validity of act or proceedings

4.No act or proceedings taken under this Act shall be questioned on the ground--


  • (a) 

    of any vacancy in the membership of, or of any defect in the constitution of the Board; or 

  • (b) 

    of any omission, defect or irregularity not affecting the merits of the case. 


Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/Seventh Schedule


 Seventh Schedule

[Section 59O(2)]

1.The staff rules made under section 59O may provide for any or all of the following--


  • (a) 

    regulating the amount of salaries, fees and allowances payable to officers and servants of the Organization; 

  • (b) 

    regulating the grant of leave to such officers and servants; 

  • (c) 

    authorizing the payment of all allowances to such officers and servants while on leave; 

  • (d) 

    determining the remuneration to be paid to persons appointed to act for any such officers or servants during their absence on leave; 

  • (e) 

    regulating the period of service of all such officers and servants; 

  • (f) 

    (Deleted by Act A814); 

  • (g) 

    determining the conditions under which gratuities or compassionate allowances may be paid to such officers and servants injured or to the surviving relatives of any such officers and servants, killed in the execution of their duty; 

  • (h) 

    the establishment, maintenance and administration of a pension scheme for the provision of payments of pensions, gratuities or other allowances on superannuation, resignation, retirement or discharge of officers and servants of the Organization and for the establishment and maintenance of a pension fund; and 

  • (i) 

    the establishment and administration of a superannuation scheme for the granting of such gratuities and allowances on death, superannuation, resignation, retirement or discharge of subordinate officers and servants of the Organization as may be deemed expedient and for the granting of such gratuities and allowances as may be deemed expedient to any one or more of the surviving dependants of any person who having been employed as a subordinate officer or servant of the Organization dies after having been superannuated or discharged or after having resigned or retired. 

  • (j) 

    (Deleted by Act A814). 

2.The following provisions shall apply to any staff rules made by virtue of paragraph 1(g), (h) and(i):


  • (a) 

    no gratuity, allowance or other payment payable under any such rule nor any right interest acquired by any person to any gratuity, allowance or other payment thereunder shall be assignable or transferable or liable to be attached, sequestrated, levied upon, for or in respect of any debt or claim whatsoever other than a debt due to the Organization; 

  • (b) 

    any moneys paid under any such rule on the death of any person shall be deemed to be impressed with a trust in favour of the persons entitled thereto under the will or intestacy of such deceased person, but shall not be deemed to form part of his estate or be subject to his debts; 

  • (c) 

    any person may by his will or by a memorandum under his hand appoint a trustee of the moneys payable on his death under any such rule, and may provide for the appointment of a new trustee of such moneys and for the investment thereof; 

  • (d) 

    if at the time of the death of any person or at any time afterwards there is no trustee of such moneys or it is expedient to appoint a new trustee, such trustee may be appointed by the High Court or a Judge thereof; 

  • (e) 

    the receipt of a trustee duly appointed, or in default of any such appointment, the receipt of the legal personal representative of a deceased person, shall be a discharge for any moneys payable on his death under any such rule; 

  • (f) 

    any employee of the Organization who is otherwise entitled to any benefit under any such rule shall, if he is dismissed from the service of the Organization for fraud or dishonesty or misconduct, which involves pecuniary loss to the Organization, or retires from or resigns his office with intent to escape discharge or dismissal in consequence of such fraud, dishonesty or misconduct, forfeit and lose the whole or such part of such benefits as the Board may in its absolute discretion direct; and 

  • (g) 

    with the approval of the Minister the Board may, in its discretion, in consideration of long or special services of any officer or servant of the Organization whose case does not come within the scope and effect of the Organization's pension scheme or superannuation scheme rules, pay to such officer or servant upon his death, a gratuity or compassionate allowance on such terms and conditions as the Board may determine. 

3.Staff Rules which are inconsistent with any terms and conditions of service approved by the Government in relation to officers and servants of statutory bodies shall have no effect.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/Eighth Schedule


 Eighth Schedule

[Section 20A]


1. Daily rate of survivors' pension shall be the amount of the monthly rate of invalidity pension paid or payable to the deceased insured person for the month immediately preceding the month of death divided by the number of days in the month in which the pension is paid or payable.

2.Where the insured person has not attained sixty years of age but has completed the full qualifying period as specified under section 17A, the daily rate of survivors' pension shall be a basic amount equivalent to fifty per cent of his average monthly wage, increased by one per cent of the average monthly wage for every twelve months contributions paid in excess of the first twenty-four months, but subject to the maximum of sixty-five per cent of the average monthly wage in respect of him during the period between the date when contributions first become payable by him and the date of his death, divided by the number of days in the month in which the pension is paid or payable.

3. Where an insured person has not attained sixty years of age but has completed the reduced qualifying period as specified under section 17A, the daily rate of survivors' pension shall be an amount equivalent to fifty per cent of his average monthly wage divided by the number of days in the month in which the pension is paid or payable.

4. (1) The term "average monthly wage" as mentioned in paragraphs 2 and 3 refers to the average of assumed monthly wage corresponding to the last twenty-four monthly contributions in respect of the insured person which have been paid immediately before the date of his death:

Provided that a minimum average monthly wage shall be three hundred and forty-two ringgit and eighty-six sen subject to such amount as may be prescribed by the Minister from time to time by regulations.

(2) Assumed monthly wage to which a monthly contribution corresponds shall be deemed to be as indicated in the Fourth Schedule.

5.Daily rate of survivors' pension shall be payable as follows:


  • (a) 

    for the widow or widower, an amount equivalent to three-fifths of the daily rate of survivors' pension; 

  • (b) 

    for each child, two-fifths of the daily rate of survivors' pension: 

Provided that if the total of survivors' pension distributed among the widow or widower and children exceeds at any time the daily rate of survivors' pension, the share of each dependant shall be proportionately reduced so that the total amount payable does not exceed the daily rate of survivors' pension:

Provided further that the daily rate of survivors' pension for each child shall be three-fifths of the daily rate of survivors' pension if there is no widow or widower or if the widow or widower dies, and if there be more than one child, the amount payable shall be equally divided among them.

6.If an insured person who is in receipt of invalidity pension, or if an insured person who has not attained sixty years of age but has completed a full or reduced qualifying period as specified under section 17A, dies and does not leave a widow or widower or child, survivors' pension shall be payable to other dependants as follows:


  • (a) 

    to a parent or grandparent, for life, an amount equivalent to four-tenths of the daily rate of survivors' pension, and if there are two or more parents or grandparents, the amount payable shall be divided equally among them; 

  • (b) 

    to any other dependant until marriage or until he attains the age of twenty-one years, whichever is the earlier, or if widowed until re-marriage or until he attains the age of twenty-one years, whichever is the earlier, an amount equivalent to three-tenths of the daily rate of survivors' pension, and if there is more than one dependant under this subparagraph, the amount payable shall be divided equally among them. 

7. (Deleted by Act A1232).

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/Ninth Schedule


 Ninth Schedule

[Section 75A]

1.The following persons shall be disqualified from being appointed or being a member of the Investment Panel:


  • (a) 

    a person who has been convicted of an offence involving fraud, cheating, criminal breach of trust, criminal misappropriation of property or any offence involving dishonesty or moral turpitude and has been sentenced to imprisonment for a term of not less than one year; 

  • (b) 

    a bankrupt; and 

  • (c) 

    a person of unsound mind or is otherwise incapable of performing his duties. 

2. (1) A member of the Investment Panel shall cease to be a member--


  • (a) 

    if he fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the Investment Panel without leave of the Chairman of the Investment Panel; or 

  • (b) 

    if his appointment is revoked by the Minister, in the case of a person appointed under paragraph 75A(2)(f). 

(2) A member appointed by the Minister under paragraph 75A(2)(f) may resign as a member of the Investment Panel by giving notice in writing to the Minister.

(3) If any member of the Investment Panel has any beneficial interest in any matter under consideration by the Investment Panel, he shall forthwith declare to the Chairman the nature and extent of his interest in such matter and the Investment Panel shall decide whether or not he may take part in the meeting of the Investment Panel when such matter is being considered, notwithstanding his interest in such matter.

(4) The Investment Panel shall meet as and when required to do so by the Chairman of the Investment Panel.

(5) The Chairman and three other members of the Investment Panel shall form a quorum at any meeting of the Investment Panel.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/Tenth Schedule


 Tenth Schedule

[Sections 59V and 59W]

Membership of the promotion boards and appeal boards

Category of Officers

Promotion Board

Appeal Board

1. Services in Grade 21

Three members of the Board including the Director General, and a representative from the Ministry responsible for human resources, one of whom is to be appointed by the Board as Chairman

Chairman of the Board .... Chairman Members of the Board .... Members

2. Services in Grade 12 to 20

Director General or his representative .... Chairman

Chairman of the Establishment Committee.... Chairman


Head of Division or Branch of the Organization appointed by the Director General .... Member

Members of the Establishment Committee .... Members


Principal Assistant Secretary, Ministry responsible for human resources and appointed by the Secretary General of the same Ministry .... Member


3. Services in Grade 11 and below

Director General or his representative .... Chairman

Chairman of the Establishment Committee.... Chairman


Two officers in Grade 21 appointed by the Director General .... Members

Members of the Establishment Committee ....Members


Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/Appendix



Date of coming into force

[Subsection 1(3)]



Provisions in force



Throughout Malaysia

Part I; Part II--sections3, 4 and 5: Part IV--sections 58, 59, 70 and 73-81; Part VII--sections 103-105 and 108

P.U.(B) 322[#8260]1970


Throughout Malaysia

Sections 12 and 60-66

P.U.(B) 125[#8260]1971


That area of land situated in the District of Johore Bahru and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 659 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Johore in terms of section 410 of the National Land Code 1965

Part II--sections6- 11, 13 and 14; Part III--sections 15 (except subsection(1)(a)), 22-34, 36-48, 50-55 and 57; Part IV--sections67-69, 71, 72 and 82;

P.U.(B) 330[#8260]1971


Parts V and VI, PartVII--sections96(1)(b), 97-102, 106, 107 and 109



Employees' Social Security Area of Penang and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 75 and Plan P.G. 76 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Penang in terms of section 410 of the National Land Code 1965

Part II--sections6-11, 13 and 14; Part III--sections 15 (except subsection(1)(a)), 22-34, 36-48, 50-55 and 57; Part IV--sections67-69, 71, 72 and 82; Part V; Part VI; Part VII--sections 96(1)(b), 97-102, 106, 107 and 109

P.U.(B) 218[#8260]1972


District of Kinta and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 247 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Perak in terms of section 410 of the National Land Code 1965

Part II--sections6-11, 13 and 14; Part III--sections 15 (except subsection(1)(a)), 22-34, 36-48, 50-55 and 57; Part IV--sections 67-69, 71, 72 and 82; Part V; Part VI; Part VII--sections 96(1)(b), 97-102, 106, 107 and 109

P.U.(B) 221[#8260]1972


In the areas of land situated in--


(i) the District of Kota Star and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 551 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Kedah and Perlis;

Sections 6 to 11, Sections 13 and 14 of Part II, section 15 (except subsection (1)(a) thereof); sections 22 to 34, 36 to 48, 50 to 55 and 57 of Part III

P.U.(B) 539[#8260]1972


(ii) the District of Larut and Matang and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 286 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Perak;

Sections 67 to 69, 71, 72 and 82 of Part IV; Part V and Part VI, section 96(1)(b), sections97 to 102, 106, 107 and 109 of Part VII


(iii) the District of Klang and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 377 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Selangor;


(iv) the District of Klang and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 378 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Selangor;


(v) the District of Seremban and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 263 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Negeri Sembilan;


(vi) the Central District of Malacca and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 97 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Malacca;


(vii) the District of Kuantan and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 1063 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Pahang,


in terms of section 410 of the National Land Code 1965.



In the areas of land situated in--


(i) the Social Security Area of Kota Bharu and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 160 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Kelantan;

Part II--sections6-11, 13 and 14; Part III--sections 15 (except subsection(1)(a)), 22-34, 36-48, 50-55 and 57

P.U.(B) 384[#8260]1973


(ii) the Social Security Area of Kuala Trengganu and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 127 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Terengganu;

Part IV--sections67-69, 71, 71 and 82; Parts V and VI; Part VII--sections 96(1)(b), 97-102, 106, 107 and 109


(iii) the Social Security Area of Province Wellesley and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 122 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Penang;


(iv) the Social Security Area of Kangar and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 572 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Kedah and Perlis;


(v) the Social Security Area of Kluang and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 802 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Johore;


(vi) the Social Security Area of Batu Pahat and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 803 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Johore;


(vii) the Social Security Area of Muar and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 804 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Johore,


in terms of section 410 of the National Land Code 1965.



That area of land delineated in red on Miscellaneous Plan No. 1062[#8260]13 as deposited in the office of Superintendent of Lands and Surveys, First Division, Kuching, Sarawak

Sections 6-11, 13, 14 and 15 (except subsection (1)(a)), 22-34, 36-48, 50-55, 57, 67-69, 71, 72, 82, 96(1)(b), 97-102, 106, 107 and 109

P.U.(B) 568[#8260]1973


That area of land of approximately 7,890 acres shown as survey Lot No. 01200578, in the Kota Kinabalu District; 10 acres shown as survey Lot No. 21200360; 6 acres shown as survey Lot No. 21200359 and 290 acres shown as survey Lot No. 21200358 in the Penampang District and more particularly shown on plan No. 99197155 as deposited in the office of the Director of Lands and Surveys Department, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

sections6-11, 13, 14 and 15 (except subsection (1)(a)), 22-34, 36-48, 50-55, 57, 67-69, 71, 72, 82, 96(1)(b), 97-102, 106, 107 and 109

P.U.(B) 569[#8260]1973


In the areas of land situated in--


(i) the Districts of Kuala Lumpur and Klang and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 357 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Selangor;

Sections 15(1)(a), 16-21, 35, 49, 57, 96(1)(a)and 96(2)

P.U.(B) 570[#8260]1973


(ii) the Employees' Social Security Area of Penang and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 75 and Plan P.G. 76 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Penang;


(iii) the District of Kinta and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 247 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Perak;


(iv) the District of Johore Bahru and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 659 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Johore;


(v) the District of Kota Star and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 551 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Kedah and Perlis;


(vi) the District of Larut and Matang and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 286 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Perak;


(vii) the District of Klang and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 377 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Selangor;


(viii) the District of Klang and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 378 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Selangor;


(ix) the District of Seremban and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 263 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Negeri Sembilan;


(x) the Central District of Malacca and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 97 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Malacca;


(xi) the District of Kuantan and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 1063 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Pahang;


(xii) the Social Security Area of Kota Bharu and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 160 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Kelantan;


(xiii) the Social Security Area of Kuala Terengganu and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 127 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Kuala Terengganu;


(xiv) the Social Security Area of Province Wellesley and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 122 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Penang;


(xv) the Social Security Area of Kangar and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 572 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Kedah and Perlis;


(xvi) the Social Security Area of Kluang and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 802 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Johore;


(xvii) the Social Security Area of Batu Pahat and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 803 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Johore;


(xviii) the Social Security Area of Muar and delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 804 as deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Johore.


01-10-1974 In--


(i) the Social Security Area of Segamat as delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 877 deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Johor;

Sections 6-11, 13, 14, 15-55, 57, 67-69, 71, 72, 82;Parts V and VI;sections 96-102, 106, 107 and 109

P.U.(B) 576[#8260]1974


(ii) the Social Security Area of Kuala Pilah as delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 294 deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Negeri Sembilan;


(iii) the Social Security Area of Tapah as delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 329 deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Perak;


(iv) the Social Security Area of Kuala Kangsar as delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 328 deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Perak;


(v) the Social Security Area of Telok Intan as delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 326 deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Perak;


(vi) the Social Security Area of Kulim as delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 584 deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Kedah and Perlis;


(vii) the Social Security Area of Dungun as delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 131 deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Terengganu;


(viii) the Social Security Area of Kuala Krai as delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 165 deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Kelantan;


(ix) the Social Security Area of Sungai Patani as delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 586 deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Kedah and Perlis;


(x) the Social Security Area of Rawang as delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 401 deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Selangor;


(xi) the Social Security Area of Temerloh as delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 1069 deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Pahang;


(xii) the Social Security Area of Bentong as delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 1068 deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Pahang.


01-07-1975 In--


(i) that area of land delineated in red on Miscellaneous Plan No. 1062[#8260]13 as deposited in the office of the Superintendent of Lands and Survey, First Division, Kuching;

Sections 15(1)(a), 16-21, 35, 49, 57, 96(1)(a) and 96(2)

P.U.(B) 239[#8260]1975


(ii) that area of land of approximately--


(a) 7,890 acres shown as survey Lot No. 01200578 in the Kota Kinabalu District;


(b) 10 acres shown as survey Lot No. 21200360 in the Penampang District;


(c) 6 acres shown as survey Lot No. 21200359 in the Penampang District;


(d) 510 acres shown as survey Lot No. 21200358 in the Penampang District,


all of which appear more particularly on Plan No. 99197155 as deposited in the office of the Superintendent of Lands and Surveys, Kota Kinabalu.


01-12-1976 In--


(i) the whole State of Perlis (except the area of land delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 572 deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Kedah and Perlis);

Sections 6 to 11, 13, 14, 15 to 55, 57, 67 to 69, 71, 72, 82; Part V and VI, sections 96to 102, 107 and 109

P.U.(B) 27[#8260]1977


(ii) the whole of Penang Island (except the areas of land delineated in grey on Plans P.G. 75 and P.G. 76 deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Penang);


(iii) the whole of Province Wellesley (except the area of land delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 122 deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Penang);


(iv) the whole District of Kinta (except the area of land delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 247 deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Perak);


(v) the whole District of Johore Bahru (except the area of land delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 659 deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Johore); and


(vi) the whole District of Pontian.


01-01-1979 In--


(i) Wilayah Persekutuan, Mukim Ampang, Mukims Ulu Kelang and Batu as in Plans P.G. 383, P.G. 417 and P.G. 415 (except the area of land delineated in grey on Plan P.G. 357) deposited in the office of the Director General of Survey and Director of National Mapping, Kuala Lumpur;

Sections 6-11, 13, 14, 15-55, 57, 67-69, 71, 72, 82; Parts V and VI; sections 96-102, 106, 107 and 109

P.U.(B) 711[#8260]1978


(ii) Petaling District as in Plans P.G. 400 (except the areas of land delineated in grey on Plans P.G. 357 and P.G. 377) deposited in the office of the Director of Survey, Selangor.



Whole of Peninsular Malaysia other than in the 31 existing Social Security areas where they are already in force

Sections 6-11, 13, 14, Sections 15-55, 57, 67-69, 71, 72, 82; Parts V and VI; sections 96-102, 106, 107 and 109

P.U.(B) 486[#8260]1980


Throughout Malaysia

Sections 2-12, 14, 33-35 and 38-41

P.U.(B) 544[#8260]1980


Throughout Malaysia

Sections 13, 15-32, 36, 37 and 42

P.U.(B) 315[#8260]1985


In the administrative district boundaries of Kuching (except the area of land delineated in red on Miscellaneous Plan No. 1062[#8260]13 as deposited in the office of the Superintendent of Lands and Surveys, First Division, Kuching, Sarawak), Bau, Lundu, Hilir Sadong, Hulu Sadong, Samarahan, Sibu, Oya Dalat, Mukah, Kanowit, Bintulu, Miri, Baram, Sri Aman, Lubuk Antu, Saribas and Kalaka as shown on Miscellaneous Plan No. 60280[#8260]1

Sections 6-11, 13, 14, 15-55, 57, 67-69, 71, 72, 82; Parts V and VI; sections 96-102, 106, 107 and 109

P.U.(B) 550[#8260]1985


In the administrative district boundaries of Kota Kinabalu (except the area of land of approximately 7,890 acres shown as Survey Lot No. 01200578 in the Kota Kinabalu District and more particularly shown on Plan No. 99197155 as deposited in the office of the Director of Lands and Surveys, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah), Penampang (except the area of land of approximately 10 acres shown as Survey Lot No. 21200360, 6 acres shown as Survey Lot No. 21200359 and 510 acres shown as Survey Lot No. 21200358 in the Penampang District and all of which are more particularly shown on Plan No. 99197155 as deposited in the office of the Director of Lands and Surveys, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah), Papar, Tuaran, Ranau, Kota Belud, Sandakan, Kinabatangan, Labuk and Sugut, Tawau, Semporna, Kunak, Lahad Datu, Keningau, Tenom, Tambunan and Pensiangan as shown on Plan No. 99197300.

Sections 6 to 11, 13, 14, 15 to 55, 57, 67 to 69, 71, 72, 82; Parts V and VI; sections 96-102, 106, 107 and 109

P.U.(B) 551[#8260]1985


In the areas of--


Federal Territory of Labuan.

Sections 6-11, 13, 14, 15-55, 57, 67-69, 71, 72, 82; Parts V and VI; sections 96-102, 106, 107 and 109

P.U.(B) 626[#8260]1986


Administrative districts of Kudat, Kota Marudu, Pitas, Beaufort, Sipitang and Kuala Penyu shown on Plan No. 99197300 with the office of the Director of Lands and Surveys, Kota Kinabalu.


Administrative districts of Kapit, Belaga, Song, Sarikei, Maradong, Julau, Matu Daro, Limbang and Lawas shown on Miscellaneous Plan No. 60280[#8260]1 with the office of the Superintendent of Lands and Surveys, Kuching.


NOTES: Effect of increasing the eligible age limit of insured person from fifty-five years to sixty years - Act A1445 of the year 2012

12. (1) In this section, "appointed date" means the date appointed by the Minister under subsection 1(2).

(2) Subject to the principal Act, on the appointed date--

(a) an insured person who has attained fifty-five years of age but has not attained sixty years of age may be eligible for invalidity pension except in the circumstances under subsections (3) and (4);

 (b) any dependant of an insured person who dies upon attaining any age from fifty-five to sixty years may be eligible for survivors' pension except in the circumstances under subsections (5) and (6);

(c) there shall be made payable in respect of the insured person referred to in paragraph (a) contributions of the second category at the rates specified in the Third Schedule to the principal Act; and

(d) there shall be made payable in respect of an insured person who has not attained fifty-five years of age contributions of the first category at the rates specified in the Third Schedule to the principal Act.

(3) An insured person in respect of whom contributions of the first category were payable shall not be eligible for the invalidity pension if--

(a) he is certified to be invalid upon attaining fifty-five years of age before the appointed date; or

(b) he is certified to be invalid upon attaining sixty years of age either on or after the appointed date.

(4) An insured person shall not be eligible to invalidity pension if he is certified to be invalid upon attaining fifty-five years of age either on or after the appointed date, and he is employed only upon attaining fifty years of age and where no contributions of the first category were payable in his respect.

(5) A dependant of an insured person in respect of whom contributions of the first category were payable shall not be eligible for survivors' pension if--

 (a) the insured person dies upon attaining fifty-five years of age before the appointed date; or

 (b) the insured person dies upon attaining sixty years of age either on or after the appointed date.

(6) A dependant of an insured person shall not be eligible for survivors' pension if--

(a) the insured person dies upon attaining fifty-five years of age either on or after the appointed date; and

(b) the insured person is employed only upon attaining fifty years of age and where no contributions of the first category were payable in his respect.

Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/LIST OF AMENDMENTS



Amending law

Short title

In force from

Act A450

Employees' Social Security (Amendment) Act 1979

s. 2-12, 14, 33-35, 38-41: 01-08-1980 s. 13, 15-32, 36, 77 and 42: 01-07-1985

Act A499

Employees' Social Security (Amendment) Act 1980


Act A590

Employees' Social Security (Amendment) Act 1984


Act A675

Employees' Social Security (Amendment) Act 1987

01-07-1987 s. 2(e): 01-10-1971 s. 11, 12 (except paragraph(a)(iii)), 20 and 44 (except paragraphs (e) and (f)): 01-01-1986 s. 21: 06-08-1987

Act A814

Employees' Social Security (Amendment) Act 1992

s.16(a): 01-01-1985 s. 18(a): 01-10-1971 s. 26, 30(b) and 31: 01-07-1985 s. 41: 01-07-1987 s. 3, 7, 11-15, 16(b), 17, 18(b),


19, 21, 47 and 48: 01-01-1992 s. 2, 4, 5, 6, 8-10, 20, 22-26, 27-30(a), 32-1240, 42-46: 01-07-1992

Act 478

Revocation of Exemption From Payment of Stamp Duty 1992


Act A830

Employees' Social Security (Amendment) (No. 2) Act 1992


Act A981

Employees' Social Security (Amendment) Act 1997

s. 3-6, 10, 13-16: 01-05-1997 s. 2, 7-9, 11-12, 17: 01-08-1997

Act A1232

Employees' Social Security (Amendment) Act 2004


P.U.(A) 32[#8260]2008

Employees' Social Security (Amendment of Fifth Schedule) Order 2008


Act A1445

Employees' Social Security (Amendment) Act 2012



Unannotated Statutes of Malaysia - Principal Acts/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 Act 4/EMPLOYEES' SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1969 ACT 4,,/LIST OF BILLS



Legislative Supplement




B 4


BA 450


BA 499


BA 590


BA 675


BA 814


BA 830


BA 981


BA 1232






Legislative Supplement


In force from

PUA 53/1976



PUA 59/2006



PUA 86/1998



PUA 99/1971



PUA 106/1971



PUA 143/1988



PUA 150/2001



PUA 285/1992



PUA 352/1999



PUA 353/1999



PUA 429/1984



PUA 441/1984



PUA 497/1985



PUA 506/1994



PUA 575/1996



PUA 11/2007



PUA 160/1988



PUA 275/1979



PUA 277/1987



PUA 339/1980



PUA 455/1984



PUA 345/1992

